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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Time For Another Blog (Haunted Waltham Abbey)

“Don’t you think its about time for another blog”?!,  somebody said to me a little earlier.

I know sweetheart, I know!  And, quite apart from that, sorry not to have been touch.  My time patterns have been all over the place in this past couple of weeks, and on top of that, I have been a little lazy again!  I’ll explain on the phone, but for the sake of people here, everything seems to have ‘come at once’.  I have had to go to meetings about the literally work;  catch up on unanswered post;  sort out other schedules that I’d left too long; keep the flat uncluttered (a more material commitment, but one that has to be done), and still keep writing the second Volume of my autobiography.  On top of that,  I have been doing more filming and was caught up for the best part of a day yesterday doing a TV interview.  Not making excuses, but I really have been occupied.

But to get back to this Blog, its now 3.47 am and I really have to think about bed.  Ironically, not really tired now, but do have another meeting latish tomorrow (I mean today, of course!). Instead of writing this (‘fresh’ so to speak),  it crossed my mind to just post up an extract from one of my books.  Well, its less work for one thing and would have saved any ‘tired thought processes).  Its always more difficult to ‘write afresh’ (rather than just copying something),  but after being told that’s what I should do: well, I’m just doing it!

So what’s new?  Well without all the details, I’ve told you most of it.

Anyway, I will put up a pic. with this.  I looked at some quickly earlier, and maybe will just select one of them.  Probably the one of Waltham Abbey – or rather the remains of Waltham Abbey – as its the right size and I don’t feel like ‘messing about’ trying to re-size photographs this time of night (sorry, morning).

But to give some brief detail:  Waltham Abbey lies some 9-10 miles to the North of London, and is reputedly haunted by the ghost of a monk (said to have been murdered at the time of the Dissolution) and a ‘phantom lady’ who was supposed to have committed suicide in the nearby river Lea.

Whatever, we spent many happy hours there in the ruins, and it helped because it wasn’t that far from London (although some would argue, its still a part of London).  I have to say, that e never actually witnessed anything supernatural there; although we did get a lot of useful information from local residents.  Much of it was historical admittedly, but it was still useful to check out its history.

So that’s it really for this Blog.  Now I really must try and entice some sleep!

For now,


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1946 - 2019




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