Co-hosted by Freddie Valentine of Mystic Menagerie TV, on this show David tells his first hand account of the infamous event in 1969 in London’s Highgate Cemetery.
The Spooky Isles (July 2014)
Hosted by David Saunderson of The Spooky Isles and author Paul Adams, topics of this podcast include some of the diverse cases investigated by the B.P.O.S., as well as the pros and cons of modern ghost-hunting techniques.
The Butcher's Apron (March 2013)
David Farrant contributed to “Desire”, an episode of this progressive radio show. The segment of the episode which focuses on the Highgate Vampire legend is reproduced here with permission.
The Paracast (June 2012)
In this episode of internationally acclaimed paranormal radio show The Paracast, hosts Gene Steinberg and Christopher O’Brien interview David Farrant for the first time.
The Gralien Report, 31st October 2011
David Farrant and host Micah Hanks share spooky stories for Hallowe’en. Can you really be killed by a nightmare? Check out David’s interview two thirds into the show. Click to play in new tab.
World of The Unexplained, 29th May 2006
This controversial episode was effectively ‘banned’ from the airwaves after ‘a certain person’ objected to its content. The Highgate Vampire, feuds, stalking and outright lies are exposed in detail in this interview with David Farrant by J. Scott and Trent Lackey.
Beyond the Mental Realm - 23rd May 2002
Fortean journalist Mark Pilkington interviews President of the British Psychic and Occult Society, David Farrant. Mark focuses particularly on the modern witchcraft scene, or rather its popular revival in the late 1960s. He also goes onto inquire about the infamous Highgate Vampire case and some myths associated with that. This interview was recorded for Strange Attractor on Resonance 104.4fm.
The James Whale Radio Show (2001)
This interview with David Farrant was first broadcast on Talk Radio /TalkSport. Whale is known widely for his predictable rudeness towards his guests and people who have had cause to phone into his show.
Miraculously David survived his interview with James unscathed (in contrast with some other interviewees’ and guests’ experiences), and actually quite enjoyed doing a show with a shock jock for a change. At least Whales’s approach cannot be called dishonest!