RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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B.P.O.S. First Website

In 2001 Dave Milner of the B.P.O.S. created David Farrant’s first website.

Back in those days self-hosting one’s own website was relatively new, as most people were still finding their feet with free sites such as Freeserve and Angelfire.  Self-hosting and embedding video was even rarer – there was no YouTube or Vimeo back then believe it or not!  So the B.P.O.S. decided that Dave must go on a course and bring us up to speed with developing technology.  And so it came to pass that Dave learned HTML and created beautiful things and put them online.

Check out the original banner – we were rocking purple and red on black back then!

Dave overhauled the site again in 2003, when having a website was such a novelty that it even made The Ham & High!

As not everyone had internet access back then, Dave also created an interactive CD-Rom version of the site, which could be sent out to people who had home computers but no dial-up (remember dial up?!).

Below are screenshots of the fruits of Dave’s labour.  Of course the P.O.Box address is long gone and a lot of the material is now out of date, but we hope you enjoy it for old times’ sake!