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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Mourning Gareth Davies of Mindset Central

Hello everyone, Della here. Yes it is true. Gareth Davies of Mindset Central / Paratalk fame passed away two days ago. The loss of such an all-round great guy, and shrewd investigator and broadcaster, has ripped through the paranormal and truth-seeking communities. Personally speaking, I am gutted and like a lot of people who knew Gareth I just can’t stop crying.

Gareth, who was born in Wales but had lived in Los Angeles for over half his life, was a valued friend of David and myself. Gareth and David had corresponded by post since the 1990s, and later via email and videochats etc. As David has also passed away the duty falls to me alone to thank our friend for all the loyalty and kindness which he extended to us over the years. A more genuine person would be impossible to find. His loss is felt tangibly and very deeply. There are MANY people who will never forget him.

Gareth died suddenly, leaving behind a family who depend upon him. If you can spare anything at all towards helping the family cover his funeral costs donations via Paypal can be sent via [email protected] – please reference your payment as Gareth Davies. Just a dollar each from all his listeners would cover the costs of his unexpected funeral. This collection is being managed by Gareth’s good friend Matthew Williams, who paid his respects to Gareth here: Gareth Davies Mindset Central has passed away. – YouTube

Tonight at 10pm EST / 7PM EST / 2am UK TIME our old friends Alex Rondini and Steve Genier of Nocturnal Frequency Radio will be hosting a special show to celebrate the life of our dear friend Gareth, who was taken far too soon. You can listen to it, and take part (including via call-in)_here: S13E41– Mindset – A Tribute to Gareth – YouTube (you can also watch the replay at the same link)

Thank you.
Della x

The video below was filmed at the Highgate Vampire Symposium 2015 in happier times – Gareth and Ben Emlyn-Jones x

Image by Joe Dunn


4 responses

  1. Thank you della I miss him real bad he was my only brother I’m sorry to have heard about David as soon as I met him I New he was a good guy and you was so nice to me and Gareth th

  2. Much love to you Richard, thank you for your kind words. I think about your mum a lot, I’ve never met her but for all of you losing Gareth must be so hard to bear. I find easier to listen to his old shows than to watch the videos, makes it easier to pretend that none of this is real for some reason xxx

  3. I knew Gareth from Paratalk and MindSetCentral, spending many afternoons from 2015 to 2021 listening to him and Reeves discuss all sorts of topics, and had even attended a meet-up in London I only learned recently that he passed, and I felt hurt, like I’d been punched in the gut.

    Gareth was an amazing, intelligent man who will be sorely missed — much by the family and others like I who were a part of his digital community. Even now, I find it still so hard to believe that he is gone. I wish I’d only got to known him better, now reminded of the mortality of life. Treasure those you know well– as they may be gone in a second.

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1946 - 2019




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