Well hello again, my dear Farrantites, Evil Cabal Initiates, and random visitors about to go down a rabbit hole.
You may have noticed that the site looks a little different. Since I first built it back in 2014, technology has moved on just a bit, and the poor old site was on its knees.
I’ve given it a bit of a makeover to help it last another decade, hopefully. However, I have kept the overall look similar – partly because that is how David liked it, but also for many of David’s longer-term visitors who take some comfort in the familiarity.
Almost all of the original content is intact, but if you spot anything that’s gone MIA let me know and I will try to restore it. Some of it was too far gone, with broken links etc., to save.
I am also hoping to make David’s books available again in the near future.
I do hope you enjoy the new layout and find it easier to navigate.
For now,
Della (Farrant)
P.S. Excuse the pic, I was in a funny mood writing this, such a relief it is finished!