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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Talk Went Well

Well,  my Talk went well earlier this evening.

It was only local so much less of a problem, considering  my ‘wounds’ of a few days back   Its turned a lot warmer, so that helped too.  I mean, I don’t mind going out so much. Anyway, it was well received.  Almost an empathy between the audience and myself.  It was only in a religious Community hall but there were quite a few people there.  I only ‘skimped over’ matters relating to vampires.  How can you talk about things that you know don’t even exist – although I am expected to do so, so often.  And I said so!

So after 10 minutes or so, I said . . . “Is there anything you want to ask me about related matters?”.

Several suggestions, until one girl said . . . “Can you tell us, do you believe in God?”

And so it went from there.  But I’m not going to summarise it all here.  I understand that the Talk (which was recorded) is being  used in their next Community magazine so I might quote some extracts here when its published next month.  But all in all, a good night, and none of the questions at the end were ‘hostile’. Somebody gave me a lift, and I was back home in less than 10 minutes. I just wish all my Talks could be so easy!

Aside from that, things have been fairly quiet.  By that I mean, not as hectic as usual.  Should add, that at the end, I was offered a couple of glasses of wine; which somewhat disproves the theory that Methodists are not allowed to drink!


I just went to nibble at a Pizza.  I  don’t particularly like Pizzas, but somebody left it.  The wine and the fresh air has obviously made me hungry!  Well, I opened a bottle of wine while I was at it, I must admit.

Well, things should certainly slow down a little now, what with everyone having ‘Christmas fever’!  Its only today week but I’ll be really glad when its over.  I’m by no means caught in the rush; I just think Christmas has become so commercialized generally, and lost its true meaning. For example, all the merchandise with its accompanying advertising with shop keepers just out to make a profit.  And then, all the Christmas cards sent to everybody in sundry – sometimes, people we only remember just once a year.

Personally, I have made it known that I don’t want to receive any Christmas cards.  I never send any either, unless it is to people who are special.  That is different because at least it has some genuine meaning.

And so, with another Talk out of the way, I leave you for now.  Apart from which, I’m still partially recovering from the intense – but amiable – Talk I gave a little earlier.

For the moment,


2 responses

  1. hi david. I am fascinated by the highgate cemetary gate claims that people have made. I plan to go there tonight, with a nice picnic, cheese wine etc and see if I can summon the seven foot demon. My car is very unimpressive, but warm and with radio. I live not too far from you, and could pick you up on the way if you fancy an exciting nightime adventure.

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Asa’s Not Toothless!

Well thank God, that whole little scenario is over!  I mean the Christmas season, in case anybody might not have guessed! Sorry, don’t want to