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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Sax And Insensibility

Get the ear-plugs somebody!

Well, as I said in my last Blog, Della and myself have been kept pretty busy lately.

I’ve already mentioned the recent radio broadcast, and I think given you updates on the new book – I am talking the second volume of my personal autobiography, and I think that I had 2 more Talks lined up to discuss this (as it covers an important period of my life) and to answer questions from any interested parties in person. I will be getting a small fee, but this is really only a formality. I really mean this, I am not interested in a few pounds (although this does help to cover out of pocket expenses) but only concerned with setting the record straight. Apparently, many other people are also interested in this, and hence the reason for the invitations, as well as the chance to meet yet more new people.

I believe I have mentioned Trish here, and she is also another person who seems dedicated to finding out the truth behind the Highgate ‘vampire’ legend. She has been a great help to Della and myself. This interest is especially prevalent in Asia; so much so that during her studies in Thailand she made contact with a couple of other authors with an interest in the esoteric who said they would be very interested if she could complete her book giving ‘inside facts’ into the subject – as they put it. She’s in London at the moment but having some problems with a rather meagre job. Usual situation; rent has to be paid, money needed for food and living, and all things like that. Hopefully the situation does not appear so bad as it was a couple of weeks ago and her job has now been secured without her needing to leave the country for Christmas and thus avoiding any problems with her visa.

Anyway she’s much happier with the situation as she explained last night when she turned up for dinner with her boyfriend Tony. Now, we’d already told her there was no need to bring food as Della was cooking a special meal – which she in fact did! But they both turned up with a huge Chinese takeaway apparently at the insistence of Tony who had not understood the eating arrangements. So we ate that instead! And had a few glasses of wine. No real problem as Della’s meal can easily be reheated tonight and I’m sure it will not have lost any of its succulent flavours. Trish was also very pleased because I had managed to secure a scanner for her which would save her the trouble of having to use my own all the time. They left around 1am, after we’d called them a taxi. Buses had stopped and in any event I wouldn’t have trusted Tony’s ability to get her home safely. He’s a nice guy. But I just think he had one or two glasses too many of wine (Sorry Tony but you’re still welcome again as long as you don’t break anything next time!).

That’s it really, except the latest news is that the second edition of the Comic Book is now completely finished and has already started to go into circulation. I think you’ll love it! I can’t give too many details yet before it hits the main suppliers, but can give you a ‘taster page’ to give you the rough idea! (and as usual I’ll probably get into trouble for doing that!)  As well as that we’ve been working on another film for Christmas, and links will be provided to that here in good time. By the way, auditions for that are still being held, so if anybody is interested in a part please just let us know!

So, I ‘love you and leave you all’ for the time being, and next Blog in a day or so.

For now everyone,



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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Best Of Both Worlds?

Very wet and miserable today. Still had to go out though. ‘Suppose its true that rain falls on the just as well as the unjust!