Well, hope some of you managed to listen to the Micah Hanks Graylien Report broadcast last night, the link to which I enclosed in my last Blog.
I’m happy to say that this has had a good response, and Micah will soon be sending me a link to a condensed archive of my part in it for any of you interested in my involvement.
Such a busy Hallowe’en, really! SO MUCH has happened, you would hardly believe me if I told you. Well, I’ll just keep you all guessing at this stage, but keep watching this space and it might enlighten a few of my fans about my personal relationships with the opposite sex; although having said that, that is really none of anybody’s business! But as this Blog is more or less a personalised diary, I think I would be ‘cheating my ardent followers’ if I left this out. By the way, thanks for your observations today Rose, but at the moment I still have to say … “No comment!” But all will be revealed shortly.
In the meantime, here is a little picture of some of a calmer moment from yesterday’s events. It was just to seal an earlier ‘activity’ that had taken place a few weeks before…but I’m still not going to tell you at the moment!
Enjoy anyway, and no, Hoggy, don’t even bother. You will never find out anything unless or until I choose to let people know!
2 responses
Dear David,
long time since I written.
David, you’re a writer, so write Lol.
I’ve finished the radio play.
Hi David & Della,
Hope you are both okay. Why would anyone think that Della is not who she says she is? We have met her and she is quite a remarkable lady, whom we love very much. Della is Della, she’s not passing herself off as anyone else (unlike some we could mention!) We know that she is your legal wife.
We will be up again to see you both soon.
Lots of love,
Patsy & Ricky. xxxxxx