Its early Sunday again after a pretty hectic week. Much of it was tied up in legal stuff (Civil) involving the action I bought about the state of the house here.
Its been dragging on for 4 years now, but finally seems to be speeding up. Its only been so slow because the ‘other side’ have been ‘dragging it out’, mainly, I strongly suspect, because they know they have no case. Still, I cannot discuss that here other than in very general terms; like I just have. Its been quite a lot of work though, and I’ve just been trying (well having to) fit it in with my writing (which is still going well incidentally).
As you may know the Cat is grazing in pastures a new – but only for the moment. I gave him my private email just before he left (God alone knows why, I must be some sort of masochist!) and have since had a reply. I suppose he’s not a bad old Cat, but that Craig really is another kettle of fish-food! Still, I’ve still got our Speedqueen to help me deal with him; and dealt with he WILL be if he tries to embarrass me anymore with personal matters! Apart from that, its all quiet. Even the telephones mostly ‘shut up’ on a Sunday. I suppose one good thing about a Sunday is that it allows you to do things mainly undisturbed – which is what I like.
Now, I have just been informed that some ‘rather naughty’ person ‘implanted’ a message on my birthday picture here. It read something like . . . “What was going on behind the camera”? I missed it at first, but have ‘clicked’ on it now. Just a feminine prank, I understand. But let me inform you that absolutely NOTHING was ‘going on’ anywhere! There were just six or so people sitting on the bed (‘on’ the bed, note, not in it) just sipping wine, that’s all. No ‘hanky panky’ as implied in that caption! The very ‘worst’ thing that happened is, when some people were later leaving one of them gave me a friendly ’birthday kiss’ goodbye. (No it was not Gareth; never kissed him in my life!). Well, this same person ‘snapped it’ and I suppose it looks worse than it really was. Well, I would not allow the photo to go up because a few people out there (less than half a handful in fact) who are only too quick to deliberately misinterpret things by innuendo. (Craig is one of them to a lesser degree, and the other two recently joined ‘partners in crime’, don’t really matter). But going back to the caption, the person concerned has since been spoken to. I said she could leave it there (I believe in free speech and all that) but that I was going to explain it – which I just have done. Although I told the person on the phone that anymore pranks like that, I would seriously have to review her secretarial duties! (Love her lots really, could never sack her!!).
The Cornwall trip is getting marginally closer – not so much in days but with on-going arrangements. Places sorted out, etc. One of them is on bleak Bodmin more. But I’m not going to name it here in cases one of the idiots referred to turns up and challenges me to another ‘duel at dawn’. I am not kidding; its just the sort of thing he would do! (Indeed, already has done!). But I really hope we can get a few more people interested in this trip. As I’ve already said, they would have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation, but in return, they would get the privilege of sharing the company of renowned professional ‘ghost busters’. Can’t be fairer than that! Apart from Craig and Cat, no-one else has been banned in advance yet. So there is still plenty of scope.
What else is news? Well I hear on the grape-vine that there has been some ‘ecclesiastical concern’ over some peoples’ interpretation of Christianity when it comes to ‘loving thy neighbour’ as opposed to hating them! I won’t go into this more as I have already been ‘told off’ about preaching here on a Sunday (although I have since ‘told her off’ as well); but as it is Sunday, I just thought it would be fit to mention it! Besides, it is breaking news, after all!
The truth is though (apart from that) there is precious little more news at the moment. At least, anything really of interest. So on this note I will leave you ‘till Tuesday, and keep me ‘in your prayers’ until next Sunday! At least, those of you with less malevolent intentions!
For the moment, David
8 responses
Hi David,
Yes, the arrangements for Cornwall are moving along. I’ll call you.
Hi David,
Have a look at this site for accomodations in Cornwall!
One of the caravan sites was charging in September, second week for 4 days £159, thats a 7 berth. But unsure, if the website is slightly out of date? But I’ll leave that with whoever is sorting it out. Hope it helps you good people!
duels at dawn?
haha i was emailed a load of newspaper clippings about that not so long ago and i pissed myself laughing.
theres a picture of u and bish bosh bash with swords!
come on david whats the story!!!?
six people on ur bed??? how many were women?!
ur like austin powers international man of mystery!!
p.s if u need an extra person for the trip drop me an email 😉 lol
Thanks Wayne,
I,ve given the info. to Patsy to sort out. Also of great interest to myself to look at.
7 Berth caravans! Didn’t think they made them that big!
Wonder if that means anybody’s got to share a double bed?!?
For now,
p.s if u need an extra person for the trip drop me an email lol
We’re full up Craig. Sorry!
Hi David,
Pleased the website was of some use! I’ll speak to Geoff about that B&B on Saturday, if he comes over. Speak to you soon!
Thanks Wayne. Seems like a bargain!
Hi Columbine,
I just hope that the website is up to date, I would check it out, if I were you! But I’m pleased it’s of some use!