RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Just What WAS That Wine?!

Very relaxing evening yesterday.  Gareth came twice (on top of his Friday) as he didn’t want to ‘miss out’!

Patsy was happy to have met Speedqueen for the first time; although her husband had to stay behind as his mother was a little unwell.  I was there (here) of course, although the meeting was very informal and we concentrated more on just having a relaxing time.  You know, its funny how quickly the time goes when you’re relaxing.  Well, I think I’ve earned it now that the book (the current book, at least) is out of the way.  I believe I said, it won’t be available on the Internet as that greatly reduces sales.  Can’t blame people really.  I mean, why buy a book if you can download it on the Internet for free?!  So, you’ll just have to make do with the three short extracts I’ve already put up!

Admittedly its far less work publishing something on-line as this cuts out the work involved of supplying distributors (like Amazon, for example), and posting it out to bookshops all across the country; not to mention, to various organizations and people and all the work involved in postage there.

But enough of that!  Back to our meeting . ..

Well, Speedqueen overcame her ‘politeness’ and wore the same black velvet dress she wore last time.  In fact, I asked her to saying nobody would mind.  They didn’t!  Patsy brought her camera as she said she would as my birthday is not too far away; and, of course, I got some pics. as well.

I got some Pizzas in; not so much because I like them, but because they’re easier to prepare.  In fact, I didn’t have to do anything in that respect  really as Patsy just ‘commandeered’ the oven – which reminds me, I still have to do the bloody washing up!  I really DO need another domestic secretary.  No offence to Patsy as she does an excellent job with the BPOS –  but when it comes to things like feeding people, I’m not so good!

Patsy left at a good 11.30 so I just hope she got back alright as she didn’t have the car this time.

Gareth stayed until about 2.30 saying he was quite happy to get a night bus.

Then Speedqueen and myself just sat up talking until I finally got her a taxi.

So, a good night in all, and, of course, we had some wine to drink.  (By the way Speedqueen, what exactly WAS that wine you brought?  It was a mix between white wine and dry sherry.  And of course, it didn’t help that the bottle was all in Italian!  But I still liked it!).

We talked about organizing some more ‘ghost trips’ –  but not till March when the clocks have gone forward and the weather is warmer.  Need to get some more photographs of haunter sites for the new edition of “Dark Journey” next year – still, that’s a long way off yet  I have to finalise the other book first for this year – that remains the proiority

And so with all that excitement, I shall now walk up the road as a few supplies have got a little low!

For the moment,



2 responses

  1. hi david
    just want to say i had a great night on saturday,and gareth and patsy are real nice.hope youve spoken to patsy to make sure she arrived home ok. dont think gareth would have any problems getting home apart from the wind and rain !
    the wine was sent to me at christmas from friends in italy it is rather strange but then again like myself rather unique!

  2. Hi Speedqueen,
    Well, I sure finished drinking it later. As I said, it tasted rather like an ultra dry sherry. But no ill effects; not even a hang-over!
    Glad you met Patsy and Gareth, and glad you liked them. At least they’re all ‘down to earth’, whichg is all that matters with friends, I guess.
    See you soon anyway,
    And be good . . . if that’s at all possible!
    For now,

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1946 - 2019




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