Well, I’ve been invited to join another paranormal group on Facebook now, Its called The Hereford Paranormal Group and I will be joining tomorrow.
Would have joined tonight but I’m not sure what they require in one space on the form. Have to ask them.
I recognized someone else on there who had interviewed me about 14 years ago so I invited her as a friend. Well, she accepted and she remembered the interview after all this time! Pleased she remembered; but then, I suppose I am quite ‘re-memorable’!
Anyway, I can’t spend too much time on there as its putting me back a little. I’ve still got 5 people left to thank of the 10 who invited me.
Another guy wants my help to write a film script on my ‘paranormal past’, including the Highgate thing. I will be discussing that later with him in private. It does look promising as he’s promised me a variable Contract.
Well that’s your lot for today everyone! I have to get back to the book as that must remain a priority.
For the moment,
4 responses
Hi David,
I was greatly intrigued by the mention of a potential film script, but couldn’t help wondering who you’d actually like to play the part of D.F. in the movie itself? (Through the ages, of course, so we’d be talking a succession of actors!)
Any suggestions?
West Midlands Ghost Club
Thanks Nick,
Welcome and keep posting.
I’m not sure how to take that! I’m sure they’ll find somebody. If they stick to my female relationships, someone sure is going to have a good time!
There will be a news update on my book a little later (as I said on my last Blog) so look out for that.
For the moment,
David (Farrant)
Hi David,
Sorry about possible implications there….. I honestly wasn’t suggesting that you might be ‘getting on a bit’ these days!! Laugh!!
I look forward to further news on the new book!!
Best Wishes,
I know you didn’t really mean that Nick, but I just couldn’t help thinking it was funny!
It would probably make quite a good film really if I may say so myself. As somebody said in the book Introduction; sometimes truth really can be stranger than fiction!
For the moment,