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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Some Serious Contemplation

Marcos, Crystal and David Farrant © Della Farrant
Marcos, Crystal and David Farrant © Della Farrant

Some relevant news at last, everyone. As usual, any delay has been due to the work involved with my forthcoming book ”David Farrant – Out of the Shadows”.

That has been a ‘fearsome project’ because of all the arrangements having to be made for its final publication. Incidentally, that will be available in less than two weeks now, but please watch this space for the final details.

Well, other news! Last Tuesday my friends Marcos and Crystal visited Della and myself in London. They arrived quite late at night (about 10pm) because of the terrible electrical storm which heralded their arrival on these shores! Seriously, if you remember, that was the day of all the fearful lightening storms in the UK which served to delay flights. Anyway they arrived safely and we all sat down to discuss past events over one of Della’s carefully prepared meals. Well, not forgetting the red wine of course!

In fact, Marcos is involved in publishing and he gave us copies of three of his current books. One of these was published last year, being a reprint of Jean-Paul Bourre’s bestselling book in France, “Messes Rouge and Romantisme Noire”. This book in fact mentions events from when I first met Jean-Paul in 1980, when he was pursuing his interest in the Highgate vampire case in London. Good quality, excellent reproduction, and apparently it is going very well in France and Europe.

Marcos told me that there had been a huge interest in Jean-Paul Bourre’s books in France, and also in the case of the infamous Highgate ‘vampire’. He said there has apparently been a similar interest in my own personal involvement with that case – perhaps aided by the fact of my television appearance on TF2 in 1998 which dealt with the whole subject. I am considering the option of getting my original book “Beyond the Highgate Vampire” translated into French for the benefit of the European market. Who knows?! I am always open to ideas and as the interest is there I feel I should at least give it some serious contemplation.

Anyway, my ever obedient and subservient hausfrau has agreed to be involved  – maybe – in any future projects in this direction (I cannot afford to lose her in view of marvellous cooking – thank goodness, feminism seems to have passed her by!)

Luckily we have recently had my backroom completely refurbished, and Della was no small help there. It just means we can use the back room for guests now, whereas before this was really impossible.

We all got on very well after all is said and done; I mean, we all hold the same interests in the occult and the paranormal – not to mention the furtherance of specialist and well researched published material which can reach a dedicated audience – a field in which Marcos’ publishing house specialises. Marcos was especially interested in a book I showed him about the Highgate case which depicted Jean-Paul Bourre on its cover. He was rather concerned, because on the inside pages, Jean-Paul was described as a ‘Satanist’, an untrue allegation which he has always fervently denied in his publications and TV appearances. Marcos and Crystal stayed until the weekend, after taking some memorable photographs of their visit, including a shoot for inclusion in Marcos’ forthcoming revised edition of his bestselling “Dictionairre Diabolique”. Also, I am pleased to say that he and Crystal have plans to come back again very soon.

Well that’s all the up to date news for now, everyone, and sorry again for any delay.

For the moment,



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1946 - 2019




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