RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Fathers Day

I have been very lazy recently; but I guess some people must be getting fed up with my excuses for doing late Blogs.

The truth is everyone my next book, “David Farrant – Out of the Shadows”, is now imminent, and I have sent notifications out to some of you here in the event you wish to order it. Thanks Jason and you as well, Cu, I have already put advanced copies aside for you.

Saw Jamie and Jo who visited last Sunday for Father’s Day, and brought me a special bottle of whiskey as a present. Jamie is very excited about a new Blog he has just started on Blogspot and is determined to clear up some of the misconceptions that have been made about him (and myself) via the internet. I could only wish him the best of luck with it, but sure he does not need that much guidance from myself!

Della and Gareth were also here, and we enjoyed a few bottles of wine and some simple pizzas. But we had an opportunity to take a couple of photographs to mark the occasion and I’ve posted one of these above. That was all last weekend, so I apologise again for the delay.

But Della graced me with her beautiful presence again yesterday, and we’ve both been working on preparing the flat for houseguests early next week. Well, she’s been working very hard (and myself of course!) and think – or hope – everything is now almost ready. I have to admit that Della did a lot of the hard work because of my incapacitated foot. I mean, she was lifting up heavy boxes, polishing everything in sight, and remained in a similar working position for at least 6 hours. But all was not lost! For around 10pm we relaxed with a couple of bottles of wine and a home cooked meal. But no, it was not lobster this time; we are saving that, together with some champagne, for the book launch party very shortly. Unfortunately Gareth is a vegetarian so he will just have to skip the lobster thermidore. But we have made prior arrangements for him, and he is eating cheese on toast!

Apart from that everything has been fairly quiet…at least for the moment. I can assure you that when my new book hits the shelves it will be sending more than a couple of people into orbit. I kid thee not, if you thought the first edition of my autobiography was ‘dynamite’; then when you see the second volume, you might understand exactly what I am talking about. Only a couple of weeks away now anyway, and I will not forget people on my advanced list who have already requested copies.

Anyway, there is certainly a lot more in the pipeline to boot. Talks are scheduled for the release of the new book for example, but I will keep you all informed in case anybody wants to attend.

That’s really it for now, Della is really quite exhausted after al the hard work today and has now snuggled down into bed and all I can really see are her bare shoulders glistening in the midnight moon as it casts it’s shadow through the windows of my humble ‘bedsit’!

I feel I must also succumb to sleep soon, so I leave you everyone until next time.

But in the meantime, for those of you who may not be able to sleep you may care to watch an interview I gave back in 1998 which has just been re-released. Enjoy it!

For now, David


5 responses

  1. Good evening Monsignor Farrant,
    If you can tear your watering orbs away from the sight of those moonlit shoulders, I would like an advance copy too. If that’s not too cheeky.
    Rob M

  2. Monsignor,
    Interested ? Do pantomime bishops cover their scrofulous pates with bargain-basement birettas ? Of course I am. I await your pleasure with the greatest interest. No disrespect, but should newly-confirmed men of the cloth be gazing at alabaster shoulders by moonlight ?
    yer holiness,

  3. Well Its just the shoulders, Rob – nowhere else – But if your’re interested, I might be able to arrange that!

  4. “No disrespect, but should newly-confirmed men of the cloth be gazing at alabaster shoulders by moonlight ?”
    Why not!? Its not illegal. is it? Ij fact, I’m sure that’s done a lot of the time. My Son!

  5. Father,
    I intended no insult. I suppose a mere holy father like yourself can’t be expected to mortify the flesh when a Bishop has always set such a poor example. Things have been very quiet on this blog. You are either recovering from the ‘Fathers day’ debauch or are still gazing in a catatonic stupor at those alabaster clavicles. Either way, when can we, your adoring public, expect to see the new book ?
    A humble sinner,

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Inside And Out

Well, its Sunday again and it bought the usual senses of quietness along with it. Its still light, though in half an hour or so,