Well, its finally turned a lot warmer, but rain in its place instead. Heavy rain!
I got drenched unexpectedly, just walking 25 yards or so from the bank to the supermarket Yet I prefer that any day to the bitter cold. Luckily, I had an umbrella – but that didn’t do much good. Just made everything wet in the bag in the shopping I was getting. You can’t win! Anyway, got home and changed my socks, as sandals don’t give much protection.
Well, I saw Speedqueen last night, and we had an enjoyable evening just talking and . . . well, never mind! She brought me a present, but it wasn’t wrapped in Christmas paper, but a sort of black velvet material! (The girl’s got taste!). Anyway, we’ve agreed to meet up again soon; especially as I want to introduce her to Gareth and Patsy.
Now got a copy of the finished book and it looks really good. I don’t want to give anything away yet. But I am sure the person who wrote the ‘surprise Introduction’ (or one of them) won’t mind me just quoting this . . .
“I knew David had been very happy in the past to be filmed by student film-makers, and give long interviews for free, to get his side of the story out there.
Armed with this and a bit of family history, I approached him.
I had no idea what to expect.
Would he be the vicious, cruel, Satanist with a penchant for sacrificing domestic pets?
Would he be the mad eccentric writer who was hiding behind a multitude of identities?
He turned out to be an extremely polite and soft spoken gentleman, who opened the door to a relative stranger and was both warm and hospitable.
Sometimes, the truth really can be stranger than fiction . . .”
So, there you have it. Just one more person who seems to reject all the cruel propaganda which has been circulated about be courtesy of one particular ‘gentleman’ who seems ‘hell bent’ on trying to change my character! It doesn’t really matter in any event, but I’m not revealing the author’s identity at this stage. You’ll just have to wait. And even then, you might be just left to guess!
So, what else? Well, just mundane things really, such as letters, phone calls, and such-like. But nothing really of interest. Us ‘witches’ tend to lead very boring lives sometimes!
For the moment, everyone,
One Response
hi david
now you know why i waited for the weather to get a bit warmer before you got to unwrap your presant! i had a wonderful evening and couldnt believe it when we discovered the time,it really does fly when your having fun.looking forward to meeting your friends,and being with you again.will phone you bit later in week for a chat.next time your presant will be wrapped in black silk…………