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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Good News – Part 2 of “In The Shadow Of The Highgate Vampire” Now On Youtube

© Chris Hoyland 2012

Very interesting meeting last night, got back quite late. Can’t really say much about it for public dissemination, although it was to do with the proposed development at Robin Hood’s Grave in Kirklees.

Of course in the end, when all these negotiations have been completed and finalised, details for the future of the Grave will be released for public consultation. I think I can say that while at the meeting an enthusiastic young architect approached me, and submitted his impression of what the hospitality complex at the Grave might look like, once the grave has been developed into a tourist theme park. I must say – I rather like his ideas – perhaps the inn could even be named “The Blue Boar”! Who knows yet, however, as there is so much to be decided.

We were a bit concerned about driving back to Drew’s, as the weather up here has been atrocious – and when its not raining its much colder than in London. Strangely enough, every time I visit West Yorkshire the heavens seem to open wide, lashing the dales with angry rain and almost Biblical hail! Last time for example the canal flooded, and poor old Gareth got rained out of his tent.

Another meteorological oddity which seemed to herald my arrival in the shire apparently occurred just last week, when a fleet of UFOs was witnessed approaching and hovering over Calderdale for quite sometime. It made the local Press apparently, and there seemed to be many widespread reports from locals who had witnessed them. I only mention this because, as Drew laughingly pointed me out, these damn things seem to follow me about!

Anyway, we warmed up quickly enough when we got back to Drew’s, however, as he has underfloor heating which we certainly needed last night! Those big old conversions would get very drafty otherwise.  But we weren’t too late to get a takeaway, and scoffed a lovely Thai meal.

On a different topic,  I am glad to report that part 2 of my filmed interview with Redmond McWilliams, “In The Shadow Of The Highgate Vampire”, has now been completed. In fact, it was almost ready for release at the weekend, but we were unsure about a few technicalities, which Drew was able to help us with last night. After the final touches had been made,. We published it about 3am in the morning, and it is now up on Youtube for any of my dedicated fans to view.

Slightly shorter than the other, this runs for approx. 40 mins; though I am sure this will please my friend Anthony Hogg who originally wanted it in 10 minute parts! If only that were possible! But seriously, the content of the film is such (that is the time allowed for each topic covered) that this would really have been impossible. After all, when Redmond visited us for the purposes of the filming he didn’t leave until 7 in the morning, having arrived at 6.30pm the previous evening. Obviously, the whole 13 hours were not taken up by continuous filming, and we needed short breaks in between to check the camera equipment, lighting and positioning etc. But even so, I would estimate at this stage that the film might take another 3 parts in order not to break any continuity. We’ll have to see.

The film can be viewed below. And incidentally, just as in my recent documentary, Robin Hood’s Grave Revisted, those are real owls in Highgate Woods hooting in the background, and not ‘spooky sound effects’ added afterwards!

Anyway, have fun everyone, and hopefully I’ll be able to do another blog after some social engagement this evening (if we can get  over the canal that is!). If not certainly the day after, before we

come back to London.
For now,


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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Paranormal Lives Part 2

Here is Part 2 of the interview I gave to Jeremy Evans for his Paranormal Lives Website.  Enjoy Everyone . . . David Farrant is Co-Founder