Gosh! What a busy day today.
Saw my friend Kev this afternoon and we managed to exchange some VERY useful information. Kev brought me over a load of copied emails and photographs (both black and white and colour) which really do throw a completely new light on the so-called Highgate ‘vampire’s’ old history. More of that to come, but in the meantime suffice it is to say that Della prepared a marvellous meal, which was enjoyed by five other people as well. It was really an informal meeting of the BPOS, and you really couldn’t imagine the astonishment at some of Kev’s revelations (well, they even surprised me as well!).
Invitation to a small party afterwards in Highgate, but Della and myself didn’t get there until around 10.30pm because of all the gaiety and revelry at our own party. I should point out here – lest it be in any way misunderstood – that Kev does not touch alcohol or smoke, and Della’s ‘punch’ was only comprised of various fruit juices; although Kev appeared to enjoy that.
Well enough rambling for the moment. I just wanted to show you all a couple of the pictures. More to follow though – I am not being so ‘lazy’ with my Blog now, now that my second autobiographical book is finished and on sale. Anyway, love you all and leave you all just for the moment.