Full moon fever seems to have gripped a few people today. In fact the ravings from the usual ‘Highgate afficionados’ – or nutjobs as we prefer to refer to this minority of cranks – have reached fever pitch today!
Still, its always amusing. I suppose in the way that the Roman emperors in days of yore used to enjoy watching fights to the death between inbred unfortunates which they themselves had orchestrated.
Anyway, I am pleased to say that the first part of David’s interview with Redmond McWilliam’s is finally on YouTube. It has taken longer than expected as there was a lot of ironing out to do with the images and copyright permission for video clips etc. But all is now ‘legit’ and so we have today uploaded the film to YouTube:
We have been working on it all day, and David is now in the land of nod, so I am left to write this blog entry alone!
Anyway, some of you might appreciate this photo of an exhausted David expressing his relief that part 1 is now (or rather was then) nearly online.
Ciao for now,
Della (Farrant)