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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Can You Believe It?!

I believe there is a postal strike for most of this week. That means (for me anyway) not possible to collect official Society mail for the PO Box and, obviously, no home deliveries. Can’t say I really mind!

Gives me a legitimate excuse not to write letters or send out books which in itself really does take up time. No. Its not really being ‘lazy’ – just gives you an official excuse to be lazy, if anything! Anyway, I’m still left with all the emails and telephone calls to deal with. Luckily, I have more than one phone line and another is ‘blocked’ by an answer phone, so I have a rough idea who’s phoning. One very personal line (so I know that’s always OK), one ‘medium’ line (so I just have to take a chance on that) and, as I said, the Answer phone. I also have three ongoing email addresses which work along the same principle. Oh! The price of fame (sorry infamouscy!).

I really mustn’t complain though. Luckily I have several dear people to help me with all this. As one of them said to me recently . . . “You just get on with the books, we’ll do most other things” Well, its lucky to have dedicated friends like that or I really would be in a mess! What is a little difficult though is slight restrictions on physical travelling for me. Smashed a vertebra in my back about seven years ago which, in turn, has helped to semi-paralyse my left foot, which doesn’t help when I asked to do film location shots. I just have to say to people, ‘if you want to interview me you’ll have to do it with me sitting down – or at least standing still’. It doesn’t ever prevent filming, but no more climbing over walls or anything!

Do you know, the Council just never seem to give up. Yet another official called today asking for me personally about that bloody side fence. Lunacy! I told them that I didn’t own it and even if I did, I didn’t consider it to be dangerous and that I wouldn’t do anything anyway. He retorted (rather annoyed) by saying that it could be argued that as I had access to the garden, it could be argued that I would be liable for part of the cost. What a bloody cheek! Who do these people think there’re trying to frighten? I’m not just one of the gullible masses’, for God’s sake! I’m ME! And I’ve long since worrying about petty threats and ultimatums. If I can take the British Government to Court (which I did in 1985, and won) its hardly likely that I’d worry about threats from the petty local Council. I told him if they wanted to do that, just telephone me to make an appointment and I would arrange to accept Service. I more-or-less added that if they did that, fine, but in the meantime to stop worrying me. He left, but added that my attitude wasn’t helping. There had been complaints.
Big deal!

Well, I saw my ‘girl with no name’ again today; she’s really beautiful. I think I’ve said this before, but its not just physical, but much, much deeper.

Anyway, that’s all I’m saying for today!


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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Filming Nearly Finished

Very hectic weekend – filming, then more filming; and its still not finished! But very little more to do now.  Just so as not to