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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

But I’ll Try

Well, 3 days has sped by, as usual. I sometimes wish man-made time would slow down a little and just give important things time to develop. To take their own course – or whatever they’re supposed to do.

Me? I don’t think I’ll ever change in that material sense. I mean, let material time entrap me so as to become a slave to it And it’s Sunday which everyone knows I’m none too fond of! But it’s a warm Sunday, that’s something! Craig gave me a call earlier and was telling me about his trip to Spain. He had a good time but is glad to be back and told me he actually missed England at times (I wonder why? – but he didn’t say!).

Well, they’re finally scheduled to start work on my flat this week. That should be interesting; especially as it will be doing done with some ‘reluctance’! But if it hadn’t been for the long drawn-out Court proceedings, not work would be being done at all. Basically it will mean (when its finished) that I can start using my large back room again – properly – and not have it cluttered up with stuff. The first thing I will do, is put the double bed back in it – purely for the sake of visiting guests, you understand! Well, you can’t expect people to sleep on the floor, can you? – although even that has been known!

I have done quite a bit of work on my next book “Pact with the Devil” today. I promised K I’d let her have the whole thing on disc which I will. She’s seen it so far but says I haven’t ‘gone strong enough’ with all the facts, bearing in mind how many of these by twisted by ‘outside parties’ with the sole motive of ‘revenge’. Revenge against what, I still really don’t know; guess it could have been some perverse desire to succumb to temptation from the powers of darkness, as that’s about the only thing that really makes any sense at all. But you know, nothing really makes any sense with some people sometimes. Maybe that’s the reason I’ve become all but a wary recluse – except with a small handful of trusted people. THEY still can exist, thank God!!

Well, I really don’t know if I’ll be able to do a Tuesday Blog what with all this work schedule pending. But I’ll try!

For the moment, David


10 responses

  1. David,
    What do you think of tatoos and piercings on womens bodies? Does it detract from the female form?

  2. With you “thanking God” in todays post this has thrown up a whole raft of questions about your personal “religous” beliefs. I will not ask them in this reply at the risk of upsetting K (I would hate to slow you down on your book). I would be interested though when you get a chance to hear about your outlook on life. Or how your personal philisophy impacts on the world (meaning of course your “neighbours”).

  3. With you “thanking God” in todays post this has thrown up a whole raft of questions about your personal “religous” beliefs. I will not ask them in this reply at the risk of upsetting K (I would hate to slow you down on your book). I would be interested though when you get a chance to hear about your outlook on life. Or how your personal philisophy impacts on the world (meaning of course your “neighbours”).
    DF (oops wrong name)

    First David, your question is a pretty loaded one so would take more than a couple of lines and perhaps need some clarification. Don’t worry about ‘upsetting’ K. You won’t! She is also a moderator here but she fully understands my views on religion – or rather false religion. There is a vast difference here.
    But first let me deal with this . . .
    That stupid feline has now asked this ;
    What do you think of tatoos and piercings on womens bodies? Does it detract from the female form?
    Everyone to their own taste I suppose.
    ‘Piercings’ I’m not so sure about to be honest.
    Tatto’s? Doesn’t bother me.
    In 1992 a young lady used to stay here sometimes (a beautiful young lady I must add) who had entwined serpents tatooed right down the entire length of the outside of her legs. (Lucky tatooist!).
    She was very proud of them and took every opportunity to parade around in her knickers! I didn’t mind in the least and just regret I never got around to asking her for a modelling photograph.
    I still might, as I think she’s still in the area.
    Gosh though! I’ll have to be careful as she sure had a hot Latin temper!
    Actually L, please get in contact with me again if you happen to be reading this. Like to meet you again apart from that. Still in the same place.
    Now go back in your basket Cat!

  5. hi david
    i’ve been listennig to some very intresting tapes tonight.
    when she put a tape on i thought “why not a CD???” and the next thing i heard make me spill my drink!!!
    i said id listen to them ove the weekend but its gonna be a looooong weekend by the time we’ve finished them as there r so many.
    theres one about nuclear weapons or something like that. misiles? nukes? you have got a nuclear weapon and hes got his own misile?
    sounded a bit gay lol!!
    i was laughing to much to get it all.
    whats that about????!!!

    And where may I ask were you listening to them?!!
    None of my business, I’m sure, but glad you seem to be enjoying yourself since you got back from holiday.
    I think I know the tape you are referring to. but I’ll have to explain on the phone rather than attempt to discuss it here.
    So, speak to you soon and just behave yourself in the meantime!

  7. Hi David—guess what–I met a REAL bishop last night at a church do–he who had been written to about me according to legend–well sure he didnt know it was me, he just went round shaking hands!
    Have you still go the ghastly tapes Death and Transfiguration (or Disfiguration) to accompnay the Diana dreams—-what would DM think of that, and I used to have a tape about the Highgate vampire complete with screeches and bloodcurdling music. I presume DM ( and DE) have ventured forth onto the noisy nutty website and its metastatic sister groups–complete with, in contrast, heavenly music and angles and whatnot. Should have a GOVT warning–this can seriously damage your health.
    I am off on another Robin Hood talk today, do about one every two months. My new book is out but there are quite a few errors in it, although it was proof read so I will have to sort it out. But it looks good and reads well I am told–nowt to do with vampires, though there is a werewolf family in it!
    tata barbara

  8. David
    I’m sorry if the question appeared loaded to you. My intention was far from that.
    I suppose not knowing your history may lead me to ask questions which have been asked a hundred times before (and previously only asked for the purpose of catching you in a trap of words)
    Again I apologise. I guess I am trying to see if there is any common ground beween us in philisophy or ethics which would continue to draw me to read and respond to your blog.

  9. For David
    Actually, what you are asking about religious beliefs is really quite important; especially with some of the controversy surrounding myself. It might have only been created by one or two people, but its still there.
    So I will take your penultimate question to my next main post and deal with it there. But I will have to put everything in simple point form because that’s really the only way I can do it.
    Not sure if it’ll be tonight, see how time goes.
    I WILL answer you. I just meant its not easy. It never is when you touch upon religion!
    For the moment

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

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Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

It’s been quiet again everyone. Sorry to sound ‘boring’ but things – external things anyway – really have been quiet. As a matter of fact,