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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

4 Stars!

Here is Flo’s review of my latest book everyone, “David Farrant: In the Shadow of the Highgate Vampire (Vol 1)

It doesn’t need any comment really except to confirm that the book does contain (what could be seen as anyway!) a few ‘naughty bits’ within its pages. Why did I include these? Because they actually happened, I suppose, and as the book is about my life – but more so because such incidents have been exaggerated by some people on some occasions – I thought a little more detail was required!

But thank you Flo. I still take your review as a compliment. Good job I never asked Cat to review it. Can you imagine that!!??

Ok, here is my very abbreviated review:
Loved the vivid writing style. The parts about childhood and roaming around Europe were excellent reading. You’re a great story teller David. The majority of the book held my interest. I also enjoyed reading an account of THV that did not involve giant spiders, weighted down with the most turgid prose in the western world. My only criticism is about the naughty bits. After reading the first encounter, I found myself skimming over the rest. All in all though, I give the book 4 stars, a good read.”

Thanks again Flo,


4 responses

  1. i demand that cat and i are allowed to write a review each!
    with no censorship.
    i will also offer to write a review on fat pat’s book as well that he may use on his cheapo-freebie-tacky midi files website.

    1. I can’t stop you writing a review, Craig, as you have probably read the book by now, and I would be going against my own principles if I censored this. OK, so go ahead. But please don’t single out any ‘naughty bits’ – or at least, keep these in proper context with the rest of it. The book is now on public release and I can’t stop people sending genuine reviews in.
      But (as far as I know) Cat hasn’t even read it! So I would have to be VERY guarded about anything he said! So please don’t encourage him to try!
      There is nothing in the book that I am ashamed of in any way. Even K really likes it!
      So if you want, okay.
      For now,

  2. – “My only criticism is about the naughty bits. After reading the first encounter, I found myself skimming over the rest. ”
    Myself (or Craig) can certainly supply advice on how to make David’s naughty bits a bit more interesting to the reader.

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1946 - 2019




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