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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Would You Believe It?!

© Della Farrant

A quiet day for a change.  Would you believe it.  Almost forgotten what it was like not to take phone calls!

Well, because its been so quiet, there’s not much news.  Although I believe Della has a little which has just gone up on her Blog.

Might cheer some people up at least as it really is like a real-life comedy drama!  And I mean REAL!  Its not meant to be funny in any way as the person  or people – posting these meanderings (and I don’t mean Della) have absolutely no sense of humour!  Anyway, enjoy her post folks.  Gives me a break for a change.  Sometimes there is really no need to write anything!

For the moment everyone,



One Response

  1. With reagrds the Enfield, coach and horses I was informed today ofa few different events. I was born in Enfield and even came to know Peggy of 280 Green Street Enfield. The Enfield polterguist.
    I am a mobile Chiropodist / podiartist/ complementary health therapist/ hypnotherapist and parnormal investigator.
    I was told today about the ghost horse andcarraige by a patient who saidthat her mother who lived in Hoe Lane opposite Bell lane not only see the horse and carraige but actully heard it, horsehooves etc. This was abot 1.00 am one night andthe coach was coming over the hill in Hoe Lane. The lady also told me that her Mums friend open her curtainsone day and the horse and carraiage was comming at her through her french windows…however she fainted , but was convicend the coach was going to smash the windows but it just passed straight through them. Another of my patients saw one of the girls involved with the Enfield polerguist case flaoting through the air from outside the house. The lollipop lady Hazel who also saw the girl Janet flaot in the air, used to help mt sons cross the road outside 280 Green Street. The police woman who see the chair move across the floor now lives in another part of England, and is good friends with another patients daughter. I do know more about the case , but can not name names etc.
    One of our Members is DR.(the psychic docotor) Ian Rubinstien his book has just been published “Consulting Spirit”(check psychic doctor channel 4 utube . I used to share a practise with the now well known Tracy Higgs(T.J.HIGGS) she stands with Colin Fry, and also shared a practise with Jayne Walice who has also just pubished a book, and hada two page spead in the national news paper the “Sun” after reading for Jayne Goddy’s mother. Fill free to check our web site: or see our face books spookscircle or spookshpi…happy spooking. Mark you may also want to check out

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1946 - 2019




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