Hello all,
I am STILL sticking to my promise of updating my Blog regularly, and I have some exciting news for you all this time.
This Hallowe’en sees the inaugural launch of the Muswell Hill Geisterfest – a unique Hallowe’en festival – cum – local celebration which is taking place on Friday October 31st 2014.
As a resident of Muswell Hill for many decades (and previously Highgate where, in fact, I was born), it was with great honour that I noticed my name had appeared in the Geisterfest posters plastered around Muswell Hill. Well, I say my name, but actually I have been billed as “The Highgate Vampire Hunter” – and I know which old friend on the planning committee is responsible for THAT!
Anyway. the real purpose of this event is to bring the local community together; and to this end organise a series of events and programmes, supported by local people, shops and traders. There are many activities planned to amuse and entertain local children as well as adults, from mask-making to pumpkin-carving competitions, as well as a full performance of Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
Activities are planned all around Muswell Hill Broadway, including the Crocodile Café which will be converted into a spooky grotto, Avenue Mews where a Scarecrow Festival is taking place and O’Neill’s public house where a spooky selection of stalls can be found upstairs in the gallery.
Della and I will be attending the latter with our friend and fellow author Paul Adams, and the event will be being filmed for those who are unable to attend. Personally dedicated copies of Paul Adam’s books Written in Blood : A Cultural History of the British Vampire and The Little Book of Ghosts will be available on the day, along with copies of Della’s new book Haunted Highgate, and copies of my own books including Beyond the Highgate Vampire and my two autobiographies.
It looks set to be a really fun community event, and all of us here in Muswell Hill are really looking forward to it. And Paul, Della and myself look forward to meeting any London-based readers on the day. We will have to wrap up around 7.30pm as we have other Hallowe’en related commitments in the evening, but if you can make it after work then we look forward to seeing you.
All proceeds from the raffle at O’Neill’s – to which we will be donating prizes – go to the charity All People All Places, which supports homeless and vulnerably housed people.
More Hallowe’en events to be announced soon, but for the moment,
Yours, a little tired as usual, David!