This Blog has been a little slow again everyone. Sorry, but so much has been happening lately, that sometimes I find it a little hard to keep up on all the news! So where do I really start?!
Well, the weather has turned slighter warmer now, and that terrible cold spell of the last few weeks – nay months – has finally gone. The wind has changed back to the South West now, and if it stays prevailing (which it should be at this time of the year) we’ll be in for some much milder weather. Makes me feel a lot more energetic anyway, rather than having to escape indoors from the ice and snow.
Anyway, enough of that. Things are much milder now, and that’s all that matters!
Re. ‘news’, two friends, Joao and Vinnie from Brazil, turned up today to meet up for a talk about their proposed forthcoming film on the Highgate ‘vampire’ for Brazil. We all had a lovely time: Gareth was here, and Della obviously.
It was nice to meet them and to hear their views on the forthcoming documentary, and look forward to spending more time with them while they’re in the UK. Makes a nice change to meet with people from other countries – I suppose you could almost call it “The Boys from Brazil”!
For now everyone,