Although I didn’t attend Brighouse Gala in June, I did nevertheless visit Brighouse on the way to my Talk at the Pendle Witch Camp on June 16th.
Funny little place, and almost dwarfed by Pendle Hill. Very friendly people though . . . with the exception of one or two. My only concern – granted, only a small one – was being asked to sign so many autographs when I was wearing my statutory white gloves. Della would have gone mad if I’d have got black ink on them!
Anyway, a good time was had by myself and all my entourage, and I am looking forward to the gala next year when I will do my best to attend. Accommodation will be no problem then anyway, as my friend Drew has kindly offered to arrange accommodation in Brighouse (where he lives) so this will save a fair bit on hotel bills.
Just thought you might like to see this picture taken in sleepy Yorkshire last June. Thanks for all your response everyone.
For the moment
One Response
I must say darling, you are looking the very picture of health in this photo.
It must be all those lobster thermidores you can’t seem to stop wolfing down!