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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Still Editing The Pendle Film

Been a very hot day in London – up into the high 20’s I think.  Personally, I do not mind the heat; although I do dislike the cold.

As well as that, its not so enjoyable to have a cold beer in the winter!

Still editing the Pendle film, which should be up next week. I’m no film editor, but I do have help with all this high technology stuff!  I think I mentioned before, that that 2002 Robin hood film was so bad, I decided against using any of it.  In fact, one of the ‘complainants’ trying to defend this footage, was stating at the time she would like to put it up on YouTube (when she got the footage).

Well, I arranged to have this sent to her, and she has now seen it.  And concludes the whole thing was ‘rubbish’ and she has since ‘thrown it in the bin’.  (Her words, not mine!) Well. She can’t say I didn’t tell her!

We did our own film on Robin Hood’s grave, anyway, which I think cleared the whole matter up to most peoples’ satisfaction.

Onto other news now – or snippets. Did an interview for the Haringey Independent recently which was published yesterday.  Its up on line as well, as well as being in the newspaper.  Just go to Google if you want to read it and type in the newspapers name, then select the news section.

What else?  Well I see that some of my ‘female fans’ have been posting relentlessly about me!  On the Internet, that is.  Quite funny really, as one of them even expected me to join in the nonsense!  I won’t though.  Just amusing, I think, to be at the centre of such unwarranted attention!  You can really watch your whole life being re-written by such people – rather like some undignified ‘Coronation Street-type opera’!  Still, whatever keeps them happy!

Have to admit, I really am a little tired now.  Just thought I’d do a quick Blog for the benefit of my somewhat more normal ‘fans’ who just expect ordinary news on a regular basis.
Will update everyone on the Pendle film anyway – so just keep watching this space!

For the moment,


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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Sunday Yet Again

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