RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Some Kind Of Albionic Superhero

It would seem that – unbeknownst to me – I am rather popular in Japan: indeed the Japanese seem to see me as some kind of Albionic superhero who has been called in to protect the ancient heritage of Robin Hood’s grave.

At least, that is the latest proposal for yet another Japanese IMAX movie there, whereupon I have been selected to play the hero in the lead role.  I have just been sent a couple of ad hoc graphic proposals for possible approval, one of these I have reproduced above. What on earth will they have me doing next??!!

Anyway, in other news: I am pleased to announce that Part 4 of my interview with Redmond McWilliams has now been completed and published on YouTube earlier tonight. Please see below:

There is still one more part which we will do next weekend, estimated to be about 45 minutes in length.

Additionally, there is another interview which took place on the next night in which I answer direct questions about other people who claimed to have been involved in the Highgate ‘vampire’ case;   the release details of this, however, are yet to be discussed. It will no doubt prove to be very controversial, and inevitably certain parties will seek to silence the Truth (as they have already tried to do).

So it may well be that this interview, complete with extensive illustrative content (both audio and visual) would be best distributed on DVD for the benefit of serious collectors. That said, it is so easy for such releases to go ‘viral’ these days; what with the popularity with P2P file sharing etc;  so who knows where it will end up? But one thing is for sure it WILL go viral (most likely) as soon as it is in the public domain, one way or the other. But of course, I have to seek agreement with Redmond, as he has certain rights regarding our interview, for its release in the first instance, so you will all have to wait just a little longer for that I am afraid.

As many of you will have gathered from reading my Blog yesterday, our Hallowe’en comedy spoof  has also just been released; at least the trailer has, and can be viewed below:

Well, I think that’s quite enough for tonight; Della is asleep and I think I will join her (for sleep I mean, what else! Well you never know your luck! Although it is 4.05am now…)

So adios amigos,


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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Its A Pity . . .

Its a pity I had to delete my “The True Nature of Conscious” piece but it seems XP just doesn’t like saved things on my