RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Quite Nervous To Meet Myself

Sleepy Della © Della Farrant

Very busy yesterday, trying to do 101 things. Still, I won’t dwell on that as don’t want to bore anybody. Trying to relax a bit more today, and, my God, I’ve only just realised it is Good Friday tomorrow.

So hopefully most people are taking the day off and the nine to five office workers won’t feel the need to have to phone me. Della is planning to go to St Joseph’s I think, she tends to go for the full, traditional mantilla type affair for Good Friday service so I fully expect to be bid farewell by a ghost from the nineteenth century tomorrow morning; not that I am judging – it does rather become her and she takes it all very seriously. Anyway Della came back tonight very tired from a hard day at work. She has been in a lot of American conference calls recently and its all very complicated, and she does need her rest at the moment. But she’s not the only one who has to deal with work obligations, I assure you.  She is asleep now, and I might just ‘sneak a candid photograph’ in a minute, then wait to tell her until she wakes up.

I did pour her a glass of wine out when she came in, but amazingly she just left it on the table and said she had to close her eyes for a little while. She told me a little about her day in the studio, and apparently it was really busy, with everybody seemingly making demands on her at once and wanting to get things done before the Easter Holiday.

There! You might not be able to tell from my writing, but I have just taken a snap of her sleeping on the bed. Actually, she must be really tired as she’s been asleep for about an hour and a half now, and did not even wake up when I had to get up to get the camera.  (I do hope I don’t get into trouble tomorrow, for this rare natural shot of Della not actually trying to avoid the camera for once) !  I did feel tempted to preserve her modesty a little more; but then I thought, what the hell, it IS Easter. I mean, she will be covered from head to toe tomorrow so she might as well have a night off tonight!

Anyway,  I see my friend Kev has just done another Blog, giving an update about his glamorous high life in Dubai, and all the contacts he’s making, in business and in the media.  It is now over 40 degrees out there, and quite literally sweltering, which doesn’t help when he is entering championships at running and cycling, to represent the UK. A far cry from our present London mists. But his blog really is self-explanatory, including his latest post. In case you want to read it for yourselves, it can be found here:

Another new Blog (at least a new entry on myself and the BPOS in an existing Blog) was also published yesterday. Two psychic mediums from the north visited Della and myself in London last week. They really wanted to discuss some of the controversy surrounding us on various internet sites, and to get behind some of the speculation. The main interviewer’s name was Shazz, and she drove to London with her friend Stevee. They arrived about 3pm, apparently quite nervous to meet myself after all the media hype which had been repeated (and is still being repeated) on some internet sites.  I hope I put their minds at rest anyway, by simply answering their questions as straightforwardly as I could. It was a pleasant change , that they were apparently not too interested in the Highgate ‘vampire’ case, which was a great relief to Della and myself as we didn’t really want to discuss it in detail.  Instead they seemed much more concerned with understanding the real me, and my life outside of that case which does tend to dwarf the many other investigations I have been involved with over the years.

But we spent a good few hours talking, and I was quite pleased to see that some people are capable of writing about the true facts as they see them, without merely playing on all the sensationalistic nonsense.

Again, I think her current Blog entry is really self-explanatory, and would like to share it with you, as they both seemed to be very dedicated people.  You can read it here:

And please do post there if you want, as I am sure that any reaction to their detailed interview would be appreciated.

Well, do you know, my beautiful Della is STILL asleep. I think I’ll leave her to wake up naturally, but it does give me an opportunity to ‘filtch’ just a couple of glasses of that excellent bottle of white wine that she came home with (well she won’t miss a glass or two, surely!).

Personally I don’t mind the Easter period, as opposed to the dreaded commercialised Christmas. Mustn’t knock Christmas too much I suppose, as our last film, A Christmas Quarrel, was so much fun to make, and has had an overwhelming response from many people on Youtube.

But personally, I do prefer the traditional rites of this time of year. Anyway, Della will be back from Church by early evening tomorrow, so I suppose I get the best of both worlds. Might even get a nice lamb roast as well – that is if she’s not too tired to cook it!

Happy Easter, and happy reading everyone.

For now,



One Response

  1. Thank you David , so glad to have been able capture the TRUE YOU in our interview:)
    Funny when I think about it now.. Was a little disappointing to actually meet someone SO normal ! haha LOL.. was hoping to see some vampire at least LOL
    Media Hype I tell you, one cant always believe in what we read ha !
    Nice pic of Della, I am sure Della will like it:) Such a lovely lady:)
    Why is my thoughts going back to Egyptian and the name “Cleopatra” springs to mind:)
    Happy Easter to you both 🙂

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

World Gone Mad!

I don’t know. More trouble with the Council! Hardly worth mentioning because its so trivial. Somebody here was having a clear out of a room