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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Mundane Things Like That

French author Jean-Paul Bourre and David Farrant
French author Jean-Paul Bourre and David Farrant

I don’t know if that Cat’s trying to tell me something, but he put up a reply to my ‘party piece’ Blog (last Blog) today saying . . . well, that’s it, I don’t exactly know just what he’s saying.

See if you can work it out, then some kind person might be able to tell me.  That creature really drives me mad sometimes!  If he’s not insinuating that I have affairs with actresses (or had), he’s making quips about  my private life when I happen to go to parties.  Incidentally Cat, that picture you ‘got your paws on’ is still there on Arcadia, so obviously that actress hasn’t got it into her head to sue you yet!

Finishing off the French chapters in the book, and came across yet another picture of the French author Jean-Paul Bourre in black and white when we visited Highgate Cemetery back in 1980.  I’ll post it  up at the end as, if nothing else, it fills up space.  Apart from which I’ve already written about the French Congres here recently.

Had a call earlier from a certain TV company again.  Doing another interview on the Highgate case very soon.  Will give more details a little later, although you’ll probably see it anyway.

Actually, I’m feeling a bit lazy today (tonight).  So much to do, but I just can’t face doing it.  You know; things like tidying the place up and sorting out some clothes – mundane things like that.  Still, there’s no need to at the moment I suppose.  Not expecting anyone immediately; although K. does get slightly angry with me sometimes over it.  At least when she phones she can’t see anything.  Which is retrospect was not such a clever thing to say as I know she reads this!

Well . . . “In for a penny, inn for a pound”, etc . . . I’m going to open a bottle of wine in a minute, and just sit back and do nothing.  So if you want to ‘tell me off’ again Angel, you’ve now got it in writing!

So, I’ll just go back and find that pic, then I can post this.  And then . . . relax!

For now,


5 responses

  1. No I wasn’t insinuating anything. Your story of going to a party reminded me of that song by Ricky Nelson. As I recall, he was a “teen idol” as a young man in the 1960s. When he got older, he wrote “Garden Party”, a song about what it was like to meet people at parties who wanted to hear him play his 1960s music rather than his new music (in other words, they wanted him to be who he once was, rather than what he was now). Come to think of it, maybe you should send the lyrics to that tenacious young fellow from “out back” in the billabong….

  2. Hahaha, it was money well spent, Cat 😉
    Why send the lyrics to me when you can have it as a backing track to David’s latest talks? Much more appropriate, I think!

  3. Haloo Anthony! I see you finally paid the £25 donation required for admittance to David’s blog. Congratulations!

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

More Talk Pics

Have just received a couple more pics. from my Talk on September 16th for the Secret Chiefs- thanks Max.   Anyway, thought I’d post them as