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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

More Book Orders

David Farrant as a toddler
"Yes, that really is me!"

Quite a quiet day for a change.  Three more book orders yesterday which I meant to send today but just haven’t got around to packaging them yet.

Being lazy as usual; no, not being lazy, I really just didn’t feel like it.  It does take time you know, packaging them up and writing out invoices, especially when you’ve got other things to do.

Gareth is coming over tomorrow and he wants to put up a couple of more things about Borley.  I’ll give him a main Blog for it, as he does put quite a bit of serious time into his research.  Speedqueen and a couple of other people will be here as well, so I’ll just put him on the computer and let him get on with it.  That reminds me actually, must get another bottle of whisky tomorrow as she does like the odd sip.  So do I if it comes to that (any excuse!).  I’ll email her later tonight though and remind her to bring some Cola.  Trying to avoid as much weight as possible because of my (still) fairly bad foot and liquids are heavy to carry especially as I have to get some more beer as well.

Oh, here’s a laugh for you everyone: did you all know that Speedqueen was just a product of my imagination – at least according to some nutter who also likes to believe – rather state – that all my girlfriends are fictional!  It takes a lot to beat that sort of mentality so I don’t usually bother. Although I didn’t mean that Speedqueen is my girlfriend (no offence sweetheart!) But she is a close companion and a very good friend).

I wandered into Highgate Wood early this afternoon for a bit.  I had my note book with me as usual but didn’t write anything, just preferring to think about other things. I am not a conventional writer in that respect.  I never plan what I’m going to write, and if I don’t feel like writing anything at all, I just don’t!

Oh, for the lady that requested a ‘younger’ picture of myself, you didn’t say how much younger!  If you name a year, maybe I can be more precise!  In the meantime, here is one that I had to leave out of my latest book for space reasons.  It should fit here I hope.  I’ll try.  It’s a genuine David Farrant special from the late 1940’s.  Not sure of the year but probably 1948 or 1949.  Take your pick – its still me!

(And no witty comments from you Cat please!).

Till tomorrow; or rather from Gareth tomorrow on Borley,



5 responses

  1. Hi David,
    Loooks like things are getting interesting again. Sorry I’ve not been in touch. Things have been really hectic lately. I wonder if I could ask you to send me copies of MMM9 and the SEANGATE TAPES. Just send to the usual address with your invoice and I’ll get a cheque to you on reciept. Ta very much.
    Rob M

  2. Actually… I would like a copy of MMM9 and SEANGATE TAPES as well as I WAS FARRANTS LOVER or whatever the Puddin’s manuscript is being called. Send me details at [email protected] and I will post a cheque in payment.

  3. I will send the two books over the weekend, Cat, though I can’t post them till Tues as Bank Holiday in the UK. I will need a forwarding address which obviously I’ll keep confidential. The manuscript was sent to me by computer and I’ll need help to transfer it onto CD. No need to send a cheque until everything has been received safely.
    Whatever, I’ll email tomorrow to get it sorted out.

  4. Thank you for your ‘earthly communication’, Cat.
    I will send the books up to ‘heaven’ as promised!

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1946 - 2019




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