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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

I Did Promise!

Dr Jane Monson with David Farrant at the Muswell Hill Bookshop
Dr Jane Monson with David Farrant at the Muswell Hill Bookshop

I did promise to post a picture of Jane’s interview with myself about the release of my new autobiography last April, but somehow, have only just got around to it.

This has been more by necessity than design as I had to wait to get a ‘still’ taken from the video. But at long last, here it is, and you can see a very beautiful Jane! (And a fairly handsome ‘me’, of course!).

The Talk took place on a lovely spring evening towards the end of last April.  The doors opened at 7 but the Talk itself was scheduled to begin at 7.30.  It was well received, and filmed by two independent video crews, and I have been promised a copy of the other film and given permission to use selected extracts from this on the Internet.  In fact, the content of the two films will be identical, although I suspect the sound quality of the other one will be even clearer, as we were both ‘miked up’ with microphones leading straight into the camera.

Jane began by briefly summarizing the book but she gave more emphasis to my early days and how these had led to my having an influence to my later involvements in mysticism, the occult and Wicca.  On my school days, she politely pointed out that I had never properly finished my education by chosen instead to leave at 15 and go traveling across the continent.  Well, I knew that some people had read the book – and others were about to do so – so I quickly pointed out that was because I’d been expelled from two schools and run away from another!  That wasn’t meant to shock anyone, but just to avoid any later potential accusations (and it was being filmed remember) that I had avoided detailing any points that I had already made public in my book.

I will not summarise the whole of Jane’s interview again here, as I already did so in an earlier Blog that briefly summarised our Talk – albeit no picture was then available.

My main purpose now, is just to post up the ‘missing’ photograph, so it ‘fills in the gap’ in my earlier Blog post.

Speaking personally, I enjoyed Jane’s profound interview.  Many people present remarked that there was a ‘certain chemistry’ between us.  Well, I certainly felt very relaxed and uncompromised, so I could certainly agree with that!

I just wish more interviewers were like that nowadays, instead of merely trying to exploit ridiculous nonsense about the ‘real existence’ of ‘vampires’!

Thanks again Jane.  We’ll have to do it again sometime!

For the moment,



4 responses

  1. It occurred to me, anybody wanting to quickly reference my original Blog on Jane’s interview can find it under the previous enteries dated May 14th, titled “She Was Truly Radiant”.
    My short write-up about my Brighton Talk in June is dated June 25 and under the heading “And It Had Only Just Begun”.
    I spoke to one of the organisers of the latter a few days ago who confirmed the film was fine and they will be sending a DVD very shortly. And yes, I have permission to use some stills, so watch out for those here as well.

  2. Now look what that bloody cat’s done! He’s taking the mickey ot of my treasued rain coat on his “Miaow” Blog. He’s saying I was ‘commissioned’ to ‘sponser’ it. Bloody cheek! I’ve had that coat for 10 years and it has accompanied me everywhere: on TV appearances (though I don’t wear it in the studio), on radio broadcasts, other camera shoots and to generally walk around in.
    What’s wrong with it? Its very light and comfortable and I don’t think it looks too bad either. (Might need a clean and a press admittedly, but that’s about all).
    Come to think of it, I might take it into the dry cleaners on Monday. Apart from that, there’s a nice girl who works in there, and who knows?!?

  3. Dear David
    I wouldn’t let Cat’s trenchcoat mikey take upset you! I have an overcoat that must be about 15 years old and a rain Mac that getting on for 8. Both are still serviceable, although the linings gone in one of the overcoat pockets, so I find change stuck down at the very bottom of my coat. I don’t see the point in buying a new coat every winter , waste of money.
    Regards Matt

  4. Thanks Matt,
    But you know I take little or no notice of that feline creature’s observations on my dress! Quite the opposite.
    I have never followed fashion: indeed, always just worn what I like. I did used to like the Indian cheesecloth shirts, but you just can’t get those anymore; notwithstanding that I have tried and looked in markets. Why did I like them? Because they were very comfortable I gues; but more so perhaps because they were so informal. I just hate dressing just to ‘suit fashion’ – and I always have done.
    The only time I dress to ‘look smart’ – or smartish’ – is when I have to give a Talk or attend some other function: but that is really out of respect for people who might come to see me, not an ‘obligatory nesessity’ – at least as far as I’m concrned.
    So, I just basically ignore him!

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1946 - 2019




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