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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

“I Am Not a Vampire” (UNOFFICIAL!)

Its been a lovely sunny day, but Della and I have been working quite hard dealing mainly with Society and film matters (the two often go together).

I guess many of you will have heard of Kevin Crace’s forthcoming film  “The Highgate Vampire Chronicles” which is due for release in the near future.  The film is to tell the whole story of the Highgate ‘vampire’ saga, which obviously includes my involvement as a central figure in that long case in the late 1960s and early 1970s.  Kevin is soon to announce the name of the actor chosen to play myself – and I think that will surprise a lot of you!

But I digress . . .  Kevin has also had a title song composed for the film titled “I Am Not a Vampire” which he has already released on his Facebook Group via Soundcloud, but has since given myself permission to release this on my YouTube channel.  I have now done this, and also added a few nostalgic film clips to accompany the audio so people can also have relevant  material to watch while they listen to the 5-minute audio. In fact, as I began compiling the clips into a form of sequence, something resembling a music video emerged, which I (at least) think works rather well. Various members of the BPOS have had fairly extensive experience of producing music videos for goth bands, especially during the 1990s and early 2000s. On this occasion the video arose from an 8 hour random collective of members who just felt ‘in the mood’ to work together on something striking, utilising the vast archive of media footage old (and very new) which they had to hand. Of course, one has to bear in mind that the video is unofficial, and does not necessarily mirror the plot of Kevin’s film. But nonetheless, I think the clips all cover the relevant Highgate ‘vampire’ period and fit in quite nicely with the complexities of the case.

Well anyway, I hope you all enjoy Kev’s musical composition – executed upon Kev’s commission by ‘Monty’, and can ‘kick off your shoes’ for five minutes to give it a listen.  But I’ll keep you all updated as it comes in.

Oh, by the way, I don’t always ‘think the worst’ as per the lyrics – in fact, quite the opposite!  I am just realistic.  And as I point out in the clip below, in my line of work there are often people (for whatever misguided or pointless reasons of their own) – and indeed, entities or forces – which are out to do one harm.

All for the moment though,



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1946 - 2019




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