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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Fell To Thinking . . .

I was making myself a cheese sandwich this lunchtime (Della being at work), and I fell to thinking about how much the layout of the flat has changed over the years.

For example, the kitchen seems to have so much more space now the table and chairs have gone (despite having all sorts of mysterious ‘mod cons’ which only Della knows how to operate). Which made me remember that old coin operated gas meter I used to have, and what a dreadful clunking noise it used to make – just like the sound of a portable tape recorder turning itself off when the tape ran out.

The back bedroom is completely clear now and has a huge new double bed and carpet,  and the lounge is a lot more spacious minus some discarded chairs and a new sofa.  Most of this new initiative has come from Della; well it has to really as I am still fairly limited to what I can do with that old – but on-going – back injury.  Still, I do try, and sure that Della knows that which is why she tends to fuss over me!

And she is an invaluable help with all the writing to.  She is a lightning  typist (sorry Gareth, not quite as fast as you!) and always ready with suggestions if she feels I have missed something out, which often turns out to be so obvious.  As well as that, it is much easier to dictate some things out loud without having to worry about watching the screen or check some spelling.

On the subject of writing, I have two more important projects to complete before the end of the year.  One is an Introduction for a book of the paranormal by a fairly well known author, and the other, of course,  is the publication of a complete Volume containing all my MMM series.  That is just the main writing.  The main film on myself is near completions, and already there is a similar project in the offing.  And, of course, I have my new Blog The British Psychic and Occult Society to complete with research material, and there is also this one to attend to.

Della has really been so understanding and helpful in encouraging me in all these projects which are really so time-consuming.  But sometimes, there are times to relax.  And we can just sit and talk, but rarely without a good bottle of wine between us – or even one each!  So its not entirely ‘all work and no play’.  And even work, sometimes, has its lighter moments!

You see, another Blog.  So I must be improving!

For the moment



One Response

  1. Gareth said himself on Friday that I am faster than him!!!! Or, at least, more accurate when under the influence. It WAS Friday after all…

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1946 - 2019




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