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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Della Wins Hands Down

Exciting news, everyone! The release date for Della’s new book Haunted Highgate is getting closer and closer – just six weeks to go now. And yesterday she received the proofs for the book. There were no grammatical corrections, just a few suggestions for insertions etc.

Della’s book gives the reader a very thorough overview of many hauntings in the Highgate area, and includes a lot of previously unpublished witness accounts. Of course, some well-known ‘ghost’ cases (such as those which pertain to The Flask, The Gatehouse and the Highgate ‘vampire’) could not be just ignored because they are integral to old Highgate’s paranormal heritage. But even in the coverage of these a wealth of new background information and witness accounts have been introduced. Although looking through the proofs today I noticed that Della has either ignored or debunked the usual nonsense, concentrating instead on her own meticulous research, with the invaluable contribution that this adds to Highgate’s secret history.

Anyway, I’m afraid you will all just have to wait to read it when it is released on 6th October. The book has been in preparation for a couple of years now, and involved a lot of sleepless nights; or at least going to bed just as the sun was rising. Della’s book is available for pre-order on Amazon here:

Another new book titled Supernatural: The World Guide to Mysterious Places was sent to me by airmail a week and a half or so ago. It was written by Sarah Bartlett, an occult author who these days lives in France. I was surprised to read Sarah’s little joke within the pages, and in all the many books I have been sent which mention myself in relation to the Highgate ‘vampire’ case I have to say that I have never read ONE which manages to get things so spectacularly wrong in such an amusing fashion. As one disgruntled commentator has already noted, how this happened is a complete mystery, and a ‘dickipoggy’ one at that! But it seems that the answer will remain ‘occulted’ for the foreseeable future.

As I mentioned, so very many books (AND websites) have published and continue to publish so much nonsense about myself that one more won’t hurt, I suppose! At the end of the day these things really aren’t worth worrying about, and if I was to make a big ‘song and dance’ about it people would reasonably conclude that I was only doing this for some inverted form of publicity! I hardly need and certainly don’t desire this; I’ve got enough going on in the real world, especially with Della’s new book coming out and all its GENUINE revelations about Highgate. But as my old friend Boffinack used to say – a LOT – ‘the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity!’

So good luck Sarah, and good luck Della with your separate enterprises. But if you want the truth of the Highgate affair then I am afraid to say that Della wins hands down. Sorry Sarah! Will make it up to you next time, honest.

Now with all these books to read I am afraid, dear readers, that I must abandon you for my smoking jacket and cigar, and settle down on the chaise-longue for a few hours’ worth of cerebellum tickling.

Goodnight all, and DO enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend!


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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Never Been So Amused!

Do you know, I have never been so amused in all my life about all this silly nonsense which has recently been circulated on the