I am pleased to announce that Part 3 of our new film “Tulpa” has now gone up on YouTube ahead of schedule as a special inclusion to coincide with Christmas.
The remaining installments will revert back to a weekly basis once again with Part 4 being released on Saturday December 28th.
Just think, Christmas will be over by then, but no doubt the ‘Christmas spirit’ will not fully subside until the New year has taken the old one away with a load more celebrations in its wake.
Anyone reading my penultimate Blog “Farrant’s Goose will be Cooked for Christmas”, may be aware that it is only the commercial aspects of Christmas that I am opposed to, and not the genuine meaning behind the festival itself. I made it clear in this Blog (at least, I hope I made it clear) that I am not ‘anti’ any religion or religious beliefs. But I have little tolerance when some of these may be turned into festivities of ‘human indulgence’ and the Divine Godhead is sometimes forgotten. This is not always the case, of course, and many people from different Christian denominations will give priority to ‘Christ’s Mass’ in the very literal sense of that word.
My wife Della, for example, is a dedicated Catholic and always insists on erecting her Nativity collection on my altar in the front room. So out go the wands, the athames, the candles, inscribed parchments and other ritual paraphernalia; and in trots the Virgin Mary, some shephers with some sheep, and three Wise Men laden with chipped and faded gifts (which may as well be 2,000 years old) for the baby Jesus. This year we’ve even got LED palm trees, artificial snow and an English woodland backdrop complete with holly, ivy and silver-sprayed branches all liberated from Highgate Woods. Are we in Bethlehem, Highgate or Las Vegas? I am not sure myself. She’s had the basic parts of this since a little girl, and kept it fondly for display at Christmas. So I usually let her get on with it for a quiet life, especially after my recent ‘outing’ on Facebook by her indoors as an alleged ‘scrooge’, or ‘grinch’ according to one mutual friend who shall remain nameless!
In fact, yesterday I had just finished giving a 2-hour interview for my friend Don Ecker for his Dark Matters radio, and I was quite tired so I settled down to get a couple of hours sleep. At this stage, the room was ‘normal’ but when I awoke she had erected the whole Nativity scene complete with Pound Shop fairy lights for that added touch of class. Well, I did say earlier I don’t approve of big spending at Christmas. After all, it is really the thought that counts! And I must admit it does have a certain naïve charm, which I find far more preferable than the gaudy displays of consumerism which one sees in the shop windows in Oxford Street at this time of year.
Anyway, so nobody can accuse me of being frivolous, here are some pictures of Della’s handiwork so you can all decide for yourselves! Actually, I’m rather fond of Las Vegas, but that’s another story!
For the moment everyone,
One Response
Well Mr Farrant what can one say at a time like this, the display is seasonal for this time of year, the effort of making it look very much like the Baby in manger, has my full vote, and it has to be 10 out of 10. even down to the palm trees. ( Well done Della ). Further more, I agree with you with regards to overspending, I have never indulged in Christmas festivities, take a look at what Mary had when she arrived at the Inn, NOTHING. But its good that you can share your Alter with the divines of the Baby Jesus whilst Christmas is upon us. I respect that you are not anti religious, and I would never disrespect what you believe in. Everyone has their own beliefs. So its not the time to be merry, and rush to the alcohol, and the shops to buy 10 times the amount to consume in one day being the 25th, but alas there are many that do so. I buy enough food for the day being the turkey from the land, the vegetables from the land, the Potatoes from the land. Well apart from preaching the good Lords work for him, Enjoy the festive season with what you have, or can make of it, and make sure you share with others who don’t have nothing. As you stated Mr Farrant “its the thought that counts”. Thank you Deborah