All quiet on the North London front – or in the rolling dales of Yorkshire? . . . somehow I don’t think so!
More developments on the ‘lost gravesite’ of the legendary Robin Hood, as I mentioned here yesterday there could be. Della and various other ‘bods’ have persuaded me that I need an i-phone to keep up with it all, and I think I have just got the hang of it. Well if this Blog entry goes live then I know it has worked!
A consortium involved in leasehold negotiations with the new purchasers of the Kirklees Estate (where the grave is located), which includes myself, have given me permission (finally) to release a couple of prospective plans for the use of the land adjacent to the Gatehouse and especially the site of Robin Hood’s alleged grave.
I explained I was very limited to what I could say about this proposal until proceedings had been finalised a little more. I am still in the same position really, but glad to report that I had a long discussion with one of their London agents earlier who has agreed to allow me to publish two of the initial development proposals to allay any local concerns. He said that as the thing was almost an ‘open secret’ now anyway, that maybe it would be best to assure the local populace that the Consortium’s overall intention was only to improve the potential of the area.
So, please see below two initial plans; both are subject to local planning consultation et al, etc, you get the drift, but give an idea of how the Consortium is approaching the use of this unique, heritage rich landscape.
If anyone seeks further clarification please do feel free to email [email protected] – and request a Press Release.