We are just relaxing now, and Della had a pretty quiet day at work today for a change; but then again Mondays are always a little quieter. Perhaps it is because her clients party so hard at the weekends!
But that suits me because things have been so hectic lately it means we can take things a little quieter.
I do seem to have neglected my magical pursuits recently, in deference to my writing, which I have to be acutely aware of because, as they say, ‘once a witch, always a witch.’ I have said this before, but it is a known fact that I left Wicca in 1982 in preference to deepening my mystical studies. So I do not attend the actual ceremonies anymore (although still meet people who go to them) but I am of course instinctively aware of the phases of the moon, and the neccessity of maintaining adequate psychic self-defence and suitable counter measures where neccessary. In fact, Della and I have been developing a series of rituals recently, and we feel strongly that their completion at the most recent lunar cycle was emminently successful. What does that mean? Well quite simply, we had to direct negative forces being used against us back to the sources from whence these had originated. Perhaps with a little bit of added rocket fuel to help them on their way up there – which is something we certainly are not short of.
These protective measures were directed specifically towards 4 seperate locations, with the added assistance of a welcome alliance of Venus, the Moon and Jupiter, and will remain in force as psychic defences to hopefully nullify the very human evil that pollutes these locales.
Della cooked a very nice dinner tonight; no not lobster for a change! We had suckling pig braised in vintage organic cider with shallots, thyme and organic apple slices from Planet Organic. Very filling meal, so don’t really feel like moving much now! But while Della is loading the dishwasher, I thought I might just write a very quick Blog.
Glad so many of you liked my recent cricket photograph posted yesterday> So here is a slightly earlier one kindly sent to me for publication by a well wisher from South Africa. Good on yer mate, is all I can say. But, IAN, don’t think I will wait forever for a polite response to my challenge!
See you all again soon,
Yours for the moment