Della is here, so I suppose its not really been a ‘relaxing weekend’. It has been work-wise (publications etc) but the wench has a habit of awakening me in the early hours of the day around 11pm, and insisting that I rise from my slumber to go and make her a cup of black coffee.
I never object; least so because I know she really needs it. Well, she seems to enjoy it anyway and never once have I had any complaints about my coffee making. But then I get quotations like … ‘Are you coming back to bed!?’ Well, I ask you, I’ve just got up to make her coffee (and myself a cup of tea) and that is all the appreciation you get! I am struggling to wake up, and the dear girl is enticing me to slumber again until mid afternoon.
Anyway, enough of that. I have been attempting some DIY improvements around here myself, but it is usually Della who puts me up to these feats but ends up correcting my attempts by doing the job herself! I must say that when she finally awakes, she has done so much work inside the flat (and outside of it), the house now looks like it is fit to receive a ‘king of troopers’ who are ready to lay down their swords for a short respite before having to go back on duty again at the palace. Well bless them too; we get all sorts here dropping in for socialising, and after all, I suppose all they really want to do is to meet myself before having to go back and sit on a motionless horse for government guard duties.
But other people come too; not least the odd film producer and aspiring authors who seem to want my expertise or advice for one of their ongoing projects.
On the subject of people using my name, as such, I was recently fairly amused to see a listing on Amazon for one of my books, at the extortionate price of £533.79. Plus £2.80 postage! It was being advertised by a company under the name of RBMBooks. I just couldn’t help wondering what the middle initial stood for (could it be ‘Bruce’ possibly?)
Incidentally, onto a totally different subject, glad you like my book Rob. I have since cashed your cheque; do you require any other copies?
I’m pleased to say I now have a complete film copy of my Talk I gave for the Secret Chiefs last Monday (15th of August). The visual quality might be a little dark, but the audible quality is excellent due to the fact that I was provided with a microphone and amplifier (thanks for that Jamie and hope you enjoyed the Talk as well). The Talk went on for a lot longer than Gareth and I expected (some one and a half hours) but everybody seemed to enjoy it, and despite Gareth’s prompting I did not name other people opposed to the official Highgate investigation, but instead remarked that they must all be a bit ‘bonky’. That said, the interview was not really about other people who tried to cash in on the Highgate case, but rather to get the facts ‘out there’ as these actually happened.
What else? Well I’ve just been approached by a guy from Paris who is quite high up in TV productions and they want to interview me in London at my home. They asked if I was prepared to go over to their main studios on the banks of the Seine to address a live audience with a ‘dubbed over’ translator. I said I’d have to think about it, due to my aversion to travelling too far, but they assured me all expenses would be paid, including a one night stay at a hotel. Della is really enthusiastic about the idea, but I really don’t know at the moment. Quite apart from this, Della and I have so many personal plans at the moment which are taking up a lot of our time, so prioritising is of the essence. Just see how things develop I suppose. Be a lot easier to go over there with her if necessary, to relax and get my mind off the live filming for a little bit. We’ll see. Things seem to be happening so quickly at the moment that sometimes they seem to be beyond my immediate control. But Della’s attitude seems to be “in for a penny, in for a pound”, and she could well be right in that it would only take a little extra effort.
I’ll keep you all informed in any event as to what I decide to do, but at the moment, am a little unhappy with the idea of a translator, as I will be talking about specialised subjects (i.e. witchcraft and black magic) which is really essential to be able to put across correctly in a foreign language.
Anyway, I’ll keep you all up to date on what I decide to do; you’ll probably see it anyway as it is going out on a satellite channel quite apart from the main Paris TV production.
Yours for the moment,
2 responses
Hi, just as a matter of interest R.B.M Books struck a chord with me so I looked them up and it turns out I’ve had dealings with them in the past, although I hasten to add (for the benefit of their lawyers) that it was fine.
What they do is advertise books they don’t actually have. When a customer places an order for a book they then source said book. The hefty price tag is a finders fee.
It can be an expensive way of doing things though I’m sure you’ll agree!!
Speak soon
Hoots,mon. Yer nae deid are ye ?