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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Valentines Day Isn’t It?

This is only going to be a short Blog today, everyone, you’ll all be pleased to hear!

Reason is mainly, I’d lost something, and it had to be found quite urgently. Only a finicky little thing, but it opened a door to bigger things which is why I had to find it. Found quite a lot of other things in the process which I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d done with. The whole episode took ages.

You know its time like these that I really feel like getting a new secretary. Don’t get me wrong, I have a fine team helping me at the moment and their help and dedication has proved invaluable. But I’m talking more along the lines of a personal secretary who would ‘do as she’s told’ and do it with pleasure!

Its all right. I can say these things at the moment, as Cat’s away (but not for that long) and nobody else is likely to take them the wrong way. Except Craig, of course; always got to look out for him. Anyway, it is Valentines Day today, isn’t it? So an appropriate day to say it!

Going back to this damn font size again, let me say again I just seem to have no control over it. This computer seems to have a mind of its own and maybe needs the gentle touch of K if it does it again. (Are you listening K?!).

Anyway, that’s the reason the Blog is short today. There are still a load of other things I’ve been held up from doing.

So, until Saturday. Yes, I sense great relief as I’ll be missing Sunday this week!


3 responses

  1. hi david. why dont u put an ad out for a secretary?
    but it sounds more like u could do with a maid!!!
    did u find anything uselful or interesting? u always seem to come uncover something new.

  2. Hi again Craig,
    Just snatching a quick break from other things.
    To answer your reply about a ‘maid’. I did not mean I wanted a ‘maid’! For God’s sake! We are not living in the Victorian era – at least, I’m not!
    I just meant, it would be nice to have a dedicated secretary, who loved communal work and not one who would not just ‘switch sides’ to another company if the stakes seemed higher!
    There must be a few genuine people left like that, surely?
    What about your ‘psychic friend’, Laura, for example. Maybe she would consider it – even part time!
    Well, we can discuss that when I meet you again.
    For now though,

  3. Yeah, definitely could do with a new secretary!
    The September trip is well underway. Just had to wait for some news.
    P.S. I received a big bunch of red roses for Valentine’s Day!

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Never Lose Contact

I wasn’t going to write anything today, simply because, I’m not in the mood. Been distracted by several other things (material things in ’this world’,