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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

. . . ‘Us Witches’ Are Lazy!

A Parisenne Occultist with David Farrant © Della Farrant

Its still cold here and seems set for the moment.  The wind has switched to the East and that’s never a good sign in the winter: well, it should really be Spring now but that seems far away.

Its hardly a pleasure to go out;  Though sometimes you have to when material things – such as food – start to run low.  Not that I make food a priority but there are other things.  For example, yesterday I had to get a new ink cartridge for the printer, but luckily they had one in stock.  There are other shops, but it would have meant further travelling.

But its okay inside in the warm, though I’ve literally abandoned my back room for the moment.  Its too large to attempt to keep warm.  I was stuck in there during the winter of 2008 while decorating work was going on, and getting an electricity bill of nearly £170 for that quarter was not in the least bit funny.  Mind you, that was at the time I was sitting up most nights trying to get “In the Shadow of the Highgate Vampire” finished, and I had the heating on through most of the night.  Its not so bad in the front room as its not quite so large and there gas in there, which is a much better heat, and a damn site cheaper!

Talking of writing; I’m over half way with the next Volume of “In the Shadow” now.  So that’s well ahead of schedule.

K. came round the other evening, and she’s pleased with my progress, anyway.  I let her read most of what I’ve written but she’s really an exception to that rule.  Well, we are very close in more ways than one.  ‘Ways’ that most people don’t know about, and never will, unless or until, of course, she decides to tell them.

Jamie phoned me again recently, and I’m meeting him again soon.  When I met him last time, he told me he’d bought my book from Amazon, so that must be getting around.  Actually, I’ve found a ‘lost’ picture I shall be using in the second volume.  Its from the tome of the Paris Congress back in 1882, and I met several French mediums and occultists.  She visited me in London later that year, so I thought the Pic might be appropriate.  See at the end for that (and ‘yes’, she gave me permission for the photograph).  But for the moment I shall just refer to her as a ‘Parisenne Occultist’ – to learn more, you’ll just have to wait and read the book!

What else?  Well nothing really.  I shall be opening a bottle of wine in a minute and getting on with some more of the book.  Lot of work, but gonna be well worth it when all three Volumes are finished.  Yes, looks like being three now.  There’s no way all the rest of it will fit in one more Volume.  So don’t ever say ‘us witches’ are lazy!

For the moment everyone,
David (Farrant)


4 responses

  1. “Its from the tome of the Paris Congress back in 1882, and I met several French mediums and occultists.”
    back in 1882?
    bloody hell mate you ARE the Highgate Vampire after all…
    don’t u witches ever age?
    speak soon mate.
    p.s my mate in bournemouth told me some very interestng news the other day.
    it explains why Noddy is always wearing a hat.

  2. Hi David–any news on YOUR book, is it taking up to the present time?
    I think you are in my book also–or I should say the book that I am in which I am expecting any day! Hope you can give us a nother peek?
    ps I have sent you the London dates in a private e mail

  3. Hi again, Craig.
    Yes it was in 1982 that Pic. was taken, and yes ‘us witches’ never age – at least they show their ages much less than most people!
    As to your second point, everyone knows why ‘Noddy’ is wearing a hat (and its not because he’s got ‘big ears’!) He’s got nothing underneath! Hardly any ‘strands’! That is really an ‘open secret’, but its good to learn that your mate in the area gave some up to date confirmation.
    Well, better finish now. I just want to take the cosy off the tea pot and have a cup of tea!
    You been in the pub again incidentally?
    Speak soon.

  4. Thanks Barbara,
    I don’t see it would do any harm to put up another finished extract from the book. But do it tomorrow – a little ‘over-worked’ tonight. K. won’t mind – as she has said – as long as I don’t release any ‘controversial stuff’ prematurely.
    So yes, dear lady, your request will be granted!
    Till then

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1946 - 2019




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A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Got Up Late Again Today

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