I must be honest, I am not really a great fan of ‘Blogs’. Quite frankly, I find many of these (at least from the one’s I’ve seen) to be repetitious and boring, and they seem to say little that is memorable or worthy of note. I mean, who really cares what ‘so and so’ had for breakfast, if the bus got caught in a traffic jam or whether they got a pay rise or were made redundant at work (and so on, that being just the tip of an iceberg being made up of apparently futile – though some good – human endeavours).
So, you can imagine my first reaction when I was approached by the manager (affectionately known to his friends and enemies as ‘The Guv’nor’) of this Website saying (words to the effect of) . . . “David, unlike my predecessor, I think its about time you had your own Blog here; not to keep talking about ghosts, ‘vampires’ and the occult or to even answer questions about these; but to talk about the things that really interest David Farrant . . .your actual views on your life. I think people would like to hear about these” (etc).
Well, I questioned whether people would really be that interested: after all (I pointed out), after all said done, I am only an ordinary person and would not be able to say much that would be less likely to bore people than it does on the very Blogs I’m talking about.
“Not so”, he persisted. “People DO want to know about the REAL David Farrant; not the one that has been ‘splashed’ over so many newspapers and numerous Internet sites. What you really feel about life, people and things that make up your life in general”.
Well, I immediately saw some ‘danger signs’, and I informed him that there was no way that I was prepared to discuss anybody in a personal sense; especially, if such things involved personal relationships or even disputes taking place in this great wide world.
No. That’s not what he meant, he assured me. But if it served to dismiss some of the unfounded myth and legend in the process, so much the better!
He’s a persistent person, is this Guv’nor! So I ‘bit the bullet’ and agreed – but only on a trial basis. (I knew he’d talk me into it sooner or later, and it really didn’t seem such a bad idea upon reflection).
I suggested a page name “Things You Never Knew”. Whether he will actually use this, I really don’t know, as I have absolutely no control over the layout or the technical side of things (which is maybe just as well, and why I just prefer to stick to the writing).
So, a Blog is born! Lets just see how it goes everyone!
David Farrant
Farther And Farther . . .
Not a bad day today. A little cold perhaps but the sun kept shining most of the time. Had to go out lunchtime to a
One Response
Whaddya mean ‘an ordinary person’? You are one of the most extraordinary people whom it has been my good fortune to meet; even more, become my friend. I am extremely fortunate. You are not commonplace.
The Guv’nor has had a brilliant brainwave in setting up a ‘blog especially for you, where you can share your thoughts and ideas with your friends. Indeed, some of what you say here, echo that which most of us already think!
You are a very brave person David, and you should be proud of how your good influences have inspired the rest of us.