RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

So Many Enquiries

I have had so many enquiries from people recently, asking me to upload various interviews I have given for television programs.

This can sometimes be difficult as many of the early films were only obtainable from their production companies in VHS format, and then very often had to be sent to the UK from abroad on video film. Obviously, it was often not possible to watch such films live in the UK; there was no international Sky network then, and the Internet was only just coming into its own. However, I did manage to get copies of many of these films and interviews after they had been aired in different countries. And almost without exception I was given permission to reshow these films once they had been televised.

The following film is one such example, and consisted of a variety of interviews and footage of French psychics and occultists: in particular best-selling paranormal author in France, Jean-Paul Bourre. I have not included most of this other footage in the excerpt as it is a very long and involved documentary about the Luciferian tradition in France, and, apart from which, it would necessitate getting clearance and permission from the particular people involved. Anyway, here is my own contribution to the documentary, which was televised on TF1, the main TV channel in France in 1985.

I don’t really think the film necessitates any further explanation, but I hope it satisfies at least some of your requests. The next one I have in mind, once edited satisfactorily, is an interview I gave for Italian television recently – when I say it needs editing, I literally mean that! For while this particular film involves the Highgate vampire and myself, it also covers ‘other people’s’ involvements with the same subject who may not appreciate the angle taken and footage used by the film company – especially if they were aware of the popular response by Italian viewers. Italy is (at least Rome is) the very heart and home of the Catholic Church –  whose genuine followers do not take too kindly to the somewhat morbid – if not fascinating – beliefs in ‘blood sucking vampires’.  So draw your own conclusions on that!

For the moment everyone, and enjoy the film.

David Farrant



One Response

  1. It’s probably well worth compiling a filmography of your interviews and films David. That would be a wealth of information on the many subjects on which you are an expert and of which you have great knowledge.

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Here She Is!

I’m fed up this evening, so I feel like having a bit of fun! Nearly out of cigarettes, too lazy to go out and get