I decided to do nothing this evening, and I’m still doing nothing – apart from writing this, and one quick reply I did on my Forum board a little earlier.
I did wander into town this afternoon to get a bottle of wine but should have got two as its nearly finished! Don’t buy my cigarettes in shops anymore they are too expensive. Its not the money, its just the principle. You pay well under half the tax on them when you get them ‘duty free’.
Tomorrow I have to meet a publisher in the West End. Think I’ll leave earlier and get the bus. Don’t really like the Underground. But all taken into account, a very relaxing evening!
That’s Just Me And Computers
Sorry everyone, but I slightly messed up my “Enfield Coach” ghost article on Christmas Day; as I expect some of you would have noticed! I
3 responses
What kind of music do you listen to? I truly abhor the screeching modern stuff as it hurts my ears and makes me nervous.
Dear David
I refuse to buy tobaco in the UK, neary £10 for 50g of rolling tobaco, it’s an outrage! The tax only helps fund the health facists, they’ll probably use the money to set up a special anti-smoking enforcement unit within the police.
Regards Matt
Well, it would do if you’re a cat, wouldn’t it!