Fairly quiet day, but having said that, doesn’t mean I have stopped working.
Quite the opposite, and the good news is I’ve nearly finished that tricky ‘prison chapter’ now. I spoke to K last night and she’s pleased; so pleased in fact that she’s actually agreed it might be about time to put up another ‘sneak preview’ of the new book, as I do keep talking about it. I’ll select something tomorrow as it’ll make a change from the usual Blog. But you ain’t having much! Do it tomorrow.
Got a positive filming date for the new DVD. That will be very soon and the whole thing should be finished in about a month.
Also, heard from the other people and the new film is going fine. I’ve seen some of it and the quality is very professional.
Incase you haven’t heard (although most of you probably have), we are planning another trip to ‘haunted’ Robin Hood’s Grave next Spring (late Spring) and my good friend Barbara has agreed to put us up for one or two nights. That’s one worry less having to worry about accommodation anyway. Still a lot to get arranged though, so not THAT easy! But I’ll manage it . . . somehow!
What else? Well nothing really, things have been pretty quiet apart from this.
But I have had quite a few more book orders though, which have all gone now. By that, I mean the books have all been received and acknowledged.
Regarding my new book again, don’t forget to look here tomorrow as I will put up a couple of advanced pages.
So for the moment everyone, that’s really it, until tomorrow.