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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Not Far To Go Now . . .

© Della Farrant

The new book is going really well (I should say ‘books’ because the other one is now finished) and looks like being well on schedule for October.

I’ve also had quite a few orders for “Pact” (the book about ‘love and betrayal) but I can’t help wondering where one or two of those came from.  Still  as I’ve received some cheques and postal orders I shall have to honour the orders. And I will.

But the other book (unfinished) has not far to go now. In fact, I’m on the last chapter, but then I have to go back to the beginning and finish off the Trial chapter.  I put that aside because it was a real ‘nightmare’!  You see there were (and still are) boxes upon boxes of legal papers to sort through, and I don’t really enjoy doing that.  Too much like hard work and not as easy as ‘straight writing’.

Anyway. I’m having a night off tonight as Gareth switched his nights and came yesterday instead.  Got a lot of work done, so not complaining. He had to go to an important meeting tonight; something to do with some follow up to a Talk he gave on the Tarot for the Secret Chiefs in London, I understand.

Do you know, I actually bought some food this afternoon.  Nothing special, but now I realise I’m not really hungry!  Still, will do for tomorrow instead.

Looking through the album, I did find another photograph though.  Its of a supposedly haunted castle ruin in Devon and we spent a really interesting day there in 1987.  No ghosts though; think it was too nice a day!.  I mean, we were too busy concentrating on the picnic lunch without have to look for ghosts!  Got some good photographs though.

And now, I’m slightly bored!  No Gareth – no anybody.  Just my own company.  Still that’s the way I prefer it sometimes!

So ‘till later,


2 responses

  1. Hi David, i read all about the Robin Hood thing on Barbaras link.i left a comment,but they didnt print it.dont know why? it was perfectly innocent,all about tea bags and tea cosys.Someone put something on Arcadia,all about worship at the bohemian grove in America and goes on about this giant owl.i wanted to ask a lot about that,but annoyingly,im still banned.Recently,my head seems to be full of all this stuff about worship of the Sun God Osiris and Isis.Very strange,probably been sitting in the sun too long!yours,Clarmonde.

  2. Its a bit early to say Claremonde. You see, all the comments on there are moderated and maybe yours hasn’t been seen just yet. So wait until tomorrow and we will see.
    Nice to talk to you again last night as well and I will phone yyou as soon as I hear from P.
    Yours for now

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1946 - 2019




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