Very long day today. Some more filming about that Highgate Vampire case and so a little tired. Don’t get me wrong, am not THAT tired and all in all it was a refreshing experience.
We just all relaxed and took it slowly, and there was no need to rush anything. Being a Sunday daytime, Della was here as well and was able to take a couple of photographs of the occasion afterwards (see above).
Emma Dark, her partner Merlin, and Jon Kaneko-James of The Spooky Isles arrived at 2pm to spend the afternoon filming for an interview which Emma is preparing with myself for release soon. Both Emma and Jon asked me separate questions about the case and I was pleased that Emma had read my book In the Shadow of the Highgate Vampire and also wanted to ask a little about my travels in Europe back in 1966 – things I recalled in the book; such as working on beaches collecting deck chairs, in various café’s along the way and picking fruit on various farms. It certainly was a refreshing change to talk to other seriously-minded people and get away from the silly ‘vampire claims’ which surrounded at case at the time in the 1970’s period. Jon also asked me some questions about Gardnerian / Traditional Wicca – always a contentious subject!
I believe Dark Morte has made two previous films (that I have seen anyway): one on haunted Minsden Chapel in Hertfordshire; and a more recent one featuring an interview with Jon about his personal views on ghosts and vampires.
In fact we didn’t finish filming until gone 7pm and then they left still accompanied by warm summer light as they all headed to the Flask. But not before Della had served us all some much need tea!
Well, that’s about all for now everyone. But I’ll keep you all up to date.
For the moment though,
P.S. – Thank you Jamie for your message, I had a lovely Fathers’ Day!