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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Getting Warmer

It really is getting warmer, in London, at least.

Well, all the ice and snow has gone from the pavements, so at least I can get out again now,  and not have to rely on other people.  But Bless them’! they were all bringing me food and everything, now all I have to do is withdraw some money to pay them all back.  But that’s no problem as the streets are ice-free now. My friend Karen has been really good to me during my period of imprisonment; as has Gareth, Speedqueen, Nava, Patsy and several others. Thanks all of you.

News? Well that’s been a little slow at the moment.  Though I’m pleased to report that I heard from a very old acquaintance by phone recently called Jamie.  I am meeting with him soon but will have to wait to see how much he wants me to put up here. But ‘yes’ I will give more details – but only if he does not mind.

Forgive me, but no pic. tonight. I couldn’t be bothered finding one!

So for now everyone , have a good  night’s sleep – or what’s left of it!


2 responses

  1. Hi David–how is the Volume 2 book going on–any chance of an update or even an extract–is this the one that brings us “up to date” ?
    Glad to hear you have escaped from your confinement, its been a bit tricky here as well, though I could get to my car when the road was okay once in a while,we all helped each other up the avanue, thre were a few cars got bumped and a few swearing matches, but mostly people helped each other
    tata barbara

  2. Thanks Barbara
    And I hope everything’s okay.
    Cold’s gone here now, and it can ‘stay gone’ as far as I’m concerned. Us ‘witches’ may be pretty resilient creatures; but we just don’t like the Ice Queen!
    Books? One is finished now “Pact with the Devil”, just waiting for the introduction. My friend K is doing that: there is a few things she wants to say about ‘feminine treachory’, and being a female, I think its needs a ‘feminine viewpoint’. I think she realized, its been done now (she’s read the text) and I was not going to withdraw any of it, so she said she just wanted to clarify a couple of points. Well, let her, she’s written to her in the past so is aware of the true facts. The part I sent you, is still included. Well, there’s no need to change that; that’s how it happened.
    Vol. 2 of my autobiography is almost half done now – we will be looking at about 350 pages. Barbara, I really can’t tell you too much at this stage. Us authors (should say ‘witches’ and authors) are a bit ‘guarded’ before publication; although not after!
    The book tarts (rather continues) with the ‘witchcraft Trial’. Next is a long chapter about prison experiences (including my 7-week hunger strike that almost killed ‘your’s truly’, although obviously didn’t!
    Then there is release in 1976 that includes a ‘magical duel’ in Highgate Wood with the ‘guest appearance’ of a pantomime character who tried to ‘steal the show’ but who got ‘ousted’!
    I’m saying too much!
    Look. I’ll put a short advance extract up this evening, but not about the above.
    Got invited to an “Occult Congress’ in Paris in 1982. That’s finished now. Won’t put the actual Congress itself yet, but can see no harm in putting up the ‘lead up’. But that’s all you’re getting – for now anyway!
    Hope you’re ‘snow free’ up there in Yorkshire, and tell me what you think afterwards,
    For the moment

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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

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