RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Noctural Frequency Radio

Just trying to have a quiet holiday weekend; as much as these Bank Holidays will allow. Quiet day yesterday which gave me a chance to catch up with some written work.

Jamie came over in the evening with his friend Joe so I put the pens away and we caught up with some wine.  I’m not sure how many bottles we managed to get through; they just seemed to add up!  When I put the bottles out this morning there were quite a few – lets put it like that.  They left about 1 in the morning to get back to the hotel, then I saw them again this morning before they headed off to visit a few places in London.  Joe particularly wanted to see the famous Abbey Road where the Beatles had immortalized their first album, or one of them.  She loves the 60’s and its music, even though she was not born then.  I believe the old zebra crossing is still there; well I hope so as they want to get a photograph walking across it.

Another visit tonight, but that will be more like work as we have a script to try and get finished.

The Nocturnal Frequency Radio interview I gave with the Canadian TV presenter Richard Seymiens  (sorry if I’ve spelt your surname incorrectly Richard but am doing this from memory and names have never been one of my strong points!) for Steve Genier, is also being broadcast tomorrow.  There is a link to that on my Facebook page if anybody’s interested.

Also, my 9-minute documentary for Spine TV was released on 21st April and there’s a link to that there near the top as well.  I would say this latter interview  could be of more interest, as I was not expected to speak solely about the Highgate  ‘vampire’ case.  Whatever, everybody  has their own spheres of interest when it comes to things paranormal.

And then I have another interview to do in a couple of days, but I hope that won’t take that long being on an informal basis.

So another Blog completed.  Hope to have a couple of days off after that before doing anymore Media work.  For the moment.



One Response

  1. Another good night and another hangover!! Jo says it was great to meet you and we’ll do it again soon. We went to Abbey Road but had no marker pen to add a message to the wall so it looks like a return trip soon. I’ll let you know about June soon as I get the dates sorted. see you soon!

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1946 - 2019




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