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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Another Filmed Talk For The Moot

The Moot Talk yesterday (Weds 4th Jan) From left to right: Gareth J. Medway, David Farrant, Geraldine Beskin and Steve Wilson.

Gave another filmed Talk for the Moot last night. It was at the usual venue, upstairs at the Devereux Arms by the Temple.

It was organised by Geraldine Beskine of Atlantis Bookshop and introduced by Steve Wilson whom I have met before at some of the other Talks. There were some new faces there, as well as the regular ones. Gareth J. Medway conducted an interview with myself and asked quite a few questions about my involvement with the so-called Highgate vampire in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and my sentence for alleged ‘witchcraft’ offences at the Old Bailey in 1974. I also explained some of my other ‘occult involvements’ around this period, in particular the suicides of Graham Bond and Joe Meek, who had approached me prior to my Trial about the activities of the Society and my group. We also discussed the late pop singer and hopeful MP, Screaming Lord Sutch, who was planning to make a film on the Highgate phenomenon (or ‘vampire’ as it had then come to be known in the late 1960s). Della came along to give me her support, as did my son Jamie who kindly gave us a lift home afterwards in his new car. This was much appreciated, as it was a cold night, and pouring with rain, and by unexpected coincidence we actually found a place to park just near the entrance to the pub.

Arrived back at the flat around 11.30pm, but then poor Della found the job of having to cook us all something to eat. (I am seriously considering changing her pen name to Cinderella as this seems to be more appropriate to some of her activities!)

The Talk was filmed throughout by Society member and my good friend George, who has asked me to withhold his full name to prevent him going on a rival society’s blacklist. George works in the City, at a job in banking, so quite understandably he has to consider ‘respectability’ as opposed to filming somebody with a fairly infamous reputation…i.e. myself! Anyway, the film will be ready for wider distribution soon, so please keep watching this space for details.

Well, that’s all my scheduled Talks over for just the moment, but there are a couple more being planned for the Summer which, quite frankly, I much prefer to doing them in the cold dark evenings of Wintertime. On other news, I am glad to say that we now have my 3 Youtube films for availability on DVD. ‘Hoggy Hallowe’en’; ‘A Christmas Quarrel’; and the ‘Christmas Special Bloopers’. Didn’t realise these 3 moderate films are becoming so popular. But not complaining! The next film in the series should hopefully be ready for March, but you’ll just have to wait for the title!

So with that I leave you, my friends, and also a still photograph taken during the course of my Talk.

For the moment everyone,


UPDATE- here is the talk part 1:


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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

Vampire Fever

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