Sunday – not my favourite of days!
I’ve been into this before (and upset a few people in the process!) but I just can’t see how some people (people who go to Church, that is) put Sunday aside for God, then mostly forget Him for the rest of the week. And lets face it, many do. Without the ceremony and the pomp to stimulate them, often God is only viewed as some distant reality, and has to remain locked in Church for the rest of the week. Sorry K., I know you don’t like me expressing this in public, so I’d better not go on about it, as I have to protect my ‘little girl’!
But there is one point here, I’d better mention. I heard from an old friend yesterday who used to live in Muswell Hill and her name also begins with ‘K’. I was pleased to hear from her again and hope to meet up when she next comes to London. But her name (at least as far as you are all concerned) is ‘Lady K’ – but its not my Karen!. Just thought I’d mention that to avoid any potential confusion as I have invited her to post on the Blog if she wants to.
I have gone back to write a few more details from 1982 about the French congress in Paris. Looking for some pics. and found one of French TV presenter Marcus Drake who interviewed for that French TV Special televised in April 2008 Obviously its too late for the new book – the time sequence is far to late for one thing, although I could probably use it in the 3rd Volume which will bring things right up to date. Anyway, got to worry about Volume 2 first.
I’ll put the photograph up at the end here, and no comments please about the state of the room. It may be a little ‘cluttered’ (which is a writer’s privilege!) but its not dirty. Marcus came back here in the evening after the TV crew had left, and brought two really good bottles of French wine with him. Needless to say we finished it, and more if you count mine. I really hope Marcus keeps his promise to visit again with his girlfriend one day. Nice guy.
Heard from Jamie again today, and will be seeing him soon. But no, I’m not saying when. Us ‘witches’ have to have some secrets!
Well, its finally getting warmer at last. That winter just seemed to go on forever, trapping me inside the house as well for a couple of weeks. At least I’ve got a bus pass now, which was a great help on some fairly ‘slipperly days’. Just as well actually as there is now a set fare of £2 in London, whether you go for one stop (which this is) or to the end of the line. Bloody rip off, if you ask me!
So that’s just about all the news, good people. But I shall keep you all up to date, or I’ll just get K. nagging me again! (Sorry K!).
5 responses
Dear David:)
I would like to just say “Hello” I really enjoy reading your blog! Sorry everyone I am not a native speaker and “little dyslectic” I might write something silly:) Don’t laugh:)
Thank you David for your reply:)
Lady K.
Hello Lady K
And welcome to my Blog, and don’t worry about your English, its fine. (In fact, its a lot better that some people who have posted here. And in case you thought I meant you, Craig . . . I did!).
So please comment freely, or ask me any questions you like (within reason!). I’m pretty busy with my new book at the moment, but I always make time to post here. (Incidentally, I will give you a copy of the first Volume – the autobiography – when hopefully we meet up again).
Thanks for reading the Blog. In fact I know it is read by a lot of people. Problem is, that many of them just follow it but don’t post. I can’t name anybody but they will know who they are!
Right, its 5 20 (ish}, better go out to get a few things now while its still light. Thanks again Lady K.
For now,
Hi David
I have just looked in jwc—is he saying he has been threatened?
wow–all that ya ya staff on arcadia–well I have a few more lines to follow up, but lilke you have recentlybeen, had workmen all around–tata till april
john baldersy cat–jbc—ooops sorry!
Hello David,
long time we dont speak be email. Yes i will come again visit you in London. I was very happy to me you there drinking this good wine. I hade alot work this last years and not much time to travel. Now i’m ok and can find a place to visit you again. Do you have time to reicive use in your home from the 19 jully to the 25 (in this period)?
I have end to publish Messes Rouges et Romantisme Noir of Jean-Paul Bourre, you can see it there:
Don’t buy it i will send you a copy by mail.
Sincerely yours
Marcos Drake