Well, I see they’re even all at it on the James Randi forum again, even quoting me from here! My God! can a man have no privacy!? I know its my blog but my private thoughts just don’t belong over there.
Still, I love them all really. bless ’em! (even Cuddles!).
Think I’ll stay where I am though . . . Its slightly safer here!
David (Farrant)
Vibrant Memories
Its been a very cold Saturday, and the temperature drops even more at night (I mean by now and its only 9 pm!). Can tend
6 responses
Dear David
I think it is rather unfair that your previous blog entry was posted up on the Randi forum, as you say private thoughts have no place on that kind of forum. As I think I have said before, you were quite brave joining the Randi forum, some of the stuff that gets posted there is far from impartial sceptical debate, in certain instances it’s as ‘belief’ driven as the ‘woo’ they crusade against.
Regards Matt
If you are going to entertain randy thoughts you definitely need privacy!
I know what you mean, David. No matter how much one tries to explain things over there, nobody’s going to get it.
Quite honestly, I thought you showed great courage and patience with some die-hard members of the Randi forum. You were very brave, and moreover, ended up winning some of them around.
They are mostly good souls.
Privacy is everyone’s right however I reckon those in the public eye have to accept a certain level of attention over and above that given to ordinary folk.
Oh yes: I followed a moggy in here, if you must ask.
Well, it seems the place is suddenly filling up with ghosts!